They did intreate me to acquaint her of it, But I perswaded them, if they lou'd Benedicke, To wish him wrastle with affection, And neuer to let Beatrice know of it Vrsula.
What, you wrastle to morrow before the new Duke Cha.
Come Sir, come, Ile wrastlewith you in my strength of loue, Looke heere I haue you, thus I let you go, And giue you to the Gods Caesar.
I am heartily glad I came hither to you: if hee come to morrow, Ile giue him his payment: if euer hee goe alone againe, Ile neuer wrastle for prize more: and so God keepe your worship.
Because it seems likely Satan is going to wrastle all night long, like he done with the angel Jacob, and they ought to be prepared.
And the doctor would whirl round and they would wrastle me to the ground and I would be handcuffed and dragged back into the tent, still howling and struggling to break loose.
This vertu is so mighty and so vigorous, that it dar withstonde mightily and wysely kepen him-self fro perils that been wikked, and wrastle agayn the assautes of the devel.
Pypen he coude and fisshe, and nettes bete, And turne coppes, and wel wrastle and shete; And by his belt he baar a long panade, And of a swerd ful trenchant was the blade.
Then Bill begged to have a special deacon told off to wrastle with him, but Doc wouldn't listen to that.
I remember when I was a boy, we used to have a pretty lively camp-meeting every summer, and Elder Hoover, who was accounted a powerful exhorter in our parts, would wrastle with the sinners and the backsliders.
Lawd, Lawd, how I used to wrastle with that ole devil!
At dat place she come up to me an' says, 'Samson, I'll wrastle you!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wrastle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.