Think not that Mankind liveth but for a few, and that the rest are born but to serve the Ambition of those, who make but Flies of Men, and Wildernesses of whole Nations.
Think not that mankind liveth but for a few, and that the rest are born but to serve those Ambitions, which make but flies of Men and wildernesses of whole Nations.
When they came back from these savage wildernesses to green Bethlehem standing up on its hillside over the pleasant fields, the calm and sweetness of the place went to their hearts.
But before attempting to fill in the details, it is necessary to explain the mode of travel and the methods by which these wildernesses can be investigated.
Throughout the marismas hardy beasts with wild-bred progeny on which no human hand has ever laid, abound, grazing knee-deep in watery wildernesses where tasteless reed or wiry spear-grass afford a bare subsistence.
We admit that a statement of the existence of wild camels in these watery wildernesses of Spain--flooded during great part of the year--is difficult to accept.
Let it suffice to say that my wife was beautiful with a beauty that is rare among the daughters of men; that a woman's honour is held as cheaply in the wildernesses of Siberia as is the life of a man who is a convict.
The first irruption of steamboats in the heart of these vast wildernesses is said to have caused the utmost astonishment and affright among their savage inhabitants.
Over the clear water, and the wildernesses of reeds and flowers, lay the mild splendour of the morning sunshine.
It is still one of the most forlorn wildernesses in all France; but, like the Camargue, it has been much changed of late years by drainage and cultivation, and is destined to become productive and prosperous.
Did he or did he not have anything to say about flying to wildernesses and mountain-tops?
But one thing is certain; whatever he may have wished, in a musical way, regarding wildernesses and mountain-tops, when it came to the fact he did not go.
They are incidental to a system of scenic wildernesses which in combined area as well as variety exceed the combined scenic wilderness playgrounds of similar class comfortably accessible elsewhere.
The fact is that, in spite of its poverty of peaks and precipices, the Yellowstone country is one of the most varied and beautiful wildernesses in the world.
I have walked through wildernesses dreary And to-day my heart is weary; Had I now the wings of a Fairy, Up to thee would I fly.
The Loyalists who had left their great houses of Salem and of Boston brought more to the wildernesses of Upper Canada than merely fine clothes or family plate.
For those who must go, there are the Muskoka Lakes within easy reach, Georgian bay and the untrod wildernesses beyond.
Hitherto, for more than thirty days, we have traversed the wildernesses in safety.
I was made to realize appalling wildernessesof ignorance.
Only here and there had some venturesome spirit penetrated into the wildernesses of the west in order to found a home and engage in business.
By a due regard to this wise and just plan, the infant colonies, exposed in the unknown climates and unexplored wildernesses of this new world, lived, grew, and flourished.
By a due regard to this wise and just plan, the infant colonies exposed in the unknown climates, and unexplored wildernesses of this new world, lived, grew, and flourished.
Among such savages as these, and through the forests and wildernesses in which they lived, Cyrus advanced till he reached the Araxes.
During the dry season, or at least for four months in the year, scarce a part of the country opposes the progress of a traveller; unless through those immense wildernesses already described.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wildernesses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.