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Example sentences for "whippoorwill"

Lexicographically close words:
whippers; whippersnapper; whippin; whipping; whippings; whippoorwills; whips; whipt; whir; whirl
  1. Long after the whippoorwill had ceased its plaint, she lay there staring into the darkness, waiting for the dawn.

  2. But only the faint cry of a whippoorwill in the valley below answered her call.

  3. Last May, a whippoorwill was bewildered in a sudden gale, and did not get back to the woods, but spent the day sound asleep in broad sunlight on the railing of a balcony, right in the midst of our town.

  4. The voices of the veeries fell away, and then stopped, at quarter past eight, and at quarter of nine the first whippoorwill struck up, and was instantly answered.

  5. Now the last oven-bird launched into the air and let fall a little shower of melody, and a whippoorwill took up his chant afar off.

  6. As I left the wood the whippoorwill followed; coming nearer and nearer, till finally he overpassed me and sang with all his might (while I tried in vain to see him) from a tree or the wall, near the big buttonwood.

  7. Finally, just as a distant whippoorwill began to call, a towhee sang once from the woods; and a moment later the stillness was broken by the sudden outburst of a thrasher.

  8. Fragrances and quiet cadences stole along the warm current, but the song of the whippoorwill was genuine now, and plaintive with a saddened sweetness.

  9. Now he was sure he had heard the double whippoorwill call!

  10. Wild birds there were a-plenty in the city, yet the whippoorwill so seldom came into the streets that the note alone would have attracted me had Ennis not warned me of the signal.

  11. I thought I heard a whippoorwill but now, and being country bred, stole in to listen.

  12. The whippoorwill swings down and up the short curve of his regular song; over and over an owl says his rapid whoo, whoo, whoo.

  13. Across the way A noisy little brook made pleasant Music on the summer air, And farther on, the sweet, faint sound Of Whippoorwill Falls rose on the air, and fell Like some sweet chant at vespers.

  14. The whippoorwill in a neighboring thicket, indefatigably piping away at his interminable refrain, had it all to himself for awhile.

  15. Again the whippoorwill had it all to himself, and piped away more cheerily and industriously than ever, as if inspired, in his own love-making, by a human example.

  16. And at night through all the forest Went the whippoorwill complaining, Wailing went the Wawonaissa, "Chibiabos!

  17. What Osseo heard as whispers, What as words he comprehended, Was but music to the others, Music as of birds afar off, Of the whippoorwill afar off, Of the lonely Wawonaissa Singing in the darksome forest.

  18. The bluebird sang a song of sorrow from the tree-tops; the robin echoed it from the silence of the thicket, and the whippoorwill took up the sad refrain at night and wailed it far and wide through all the woodland.

  19. No one but the midnight saw her, and no one but the whippoorwill heard the panting of her bosom, for the darkness wrapped its cloak closely about her as she walked.

  20. And at night, through all the forest Went the whippoorwill complaining, Wailing went the Wawonaissa, "Chibiabos!

  21. The whippoorwill makes it right out in the open, on the top of an old stump, or on a boulder.

  22. But there were more interesting things than the nest of the whippoorwill to see about the Merredith plantation.

  23. Remember, if you ever hear a lonely whippoorwill calling, that he is longing for companionship.

  24. The night was very still, and down the road she heard Floyd's whippoorwill call growing fainter and fainter as he strode away.

  25. XXXV AS Mrs. Porter stepped down into the yard the whippoorwill call sounded again.

  26. There it was again, the soft, mellow, insistent call of the whippoorwill from down by the grape-arbor.

  27. A whippoorwill from the woods behind Aunt Katharine's house had the only word that followed, and he called it across the stillness with a long soft cadence that sounded like a wail.

  28. The chirping of the crickets seemed to grow fuller and gladder in the summer stillness, and the notes of the whippoorwill came with yet mellower call.

  29. She was pondering her grandmother's case, while the crickets in the grass filled the stillness with their chirping, and the long, clear call of a whippoorwill sounded from the woods.

  30. The guardian stars above the trees their loving vigil keep; The cricket sings her lullaby, the whippoorwill his cheer.

  31. Melissa now prepared to return home; a whippoorwill tuned its nightly song at a little distance; but the sound, late so cheerful and sprightly, now passed heavily over their hearts.

  32. The owl hooted solemnly in the forest, and the whippoorwill sung cheerfully in the garden.

  33. A valued pet of ours is the whippoorwill or Antrostomus vociferus.

  34. This last is very difficult to do, for mamma whippoorwill always selects a dense, shady part of the woods for her motherly duties.

  35. When most of the other songsters have tucked their heads under their wings our whippoorwill wakes up to the business of the night.

  36. Silence, and then a whippoorwill answered sharply from out the forest.

  37. The Whippoorwill Patrol had answered the call to service, and the growing dusk found its members arranging their camp for a night's bivouac in a lonely stretch of woods "somewhere" on the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

  38. Danny summoned all his strength, and sent the wavering call of a wounded whippoorwill along the night.

  39. At intervals, too, the clear soothing voice of the whippoorwill would echo far and near.

  40. The moon ascended to her throne; and the whippoorwill had commenced her evening hymn.

  41. The owl was noiselessly flying from tree to tree, and the beautiful whippoorwill was sleeping.

  42. All nature seemed to have gone to rest; not a whippoorwill chanted nor an owl hooted about the old buildings.

  43. Somewhere in the woods an owl began to hoot dismally, as owls do at night; and from a ledge a little distance from the one on which we stood a whippoorwill began to chant.

  44. The whippoorwill arrives, commonly, the last of March, but often not before the 10th or 15th of April.

  45. A whippoorwill began to whistle in the distant thicket.

  46. I heard a whippoorwill calling from the distant woods.

  47. The nighthawk and whippoorwill are its relatives, and it resembles them not a little, especially in its nocturnal habits.

  48. As I rode, the whippoorwill called after me from the darkening woods; the crickets began from every tuft, and far away I heard the solitary hermit at vespers in the still pines.

  49. The whispering call of a whippoorwill broke out from the bushes where Renard lurked, and I stood up, icy cold but calm, eyes fixed on the darkness which engulfed the road ahead.

  50. How early does the whippoorwill get here?

  51. A Massachusetts farmer once asked me, I remember, if the night-hawk and the whippoorwill were male and female of the same bird.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whippoorwill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.