For your honour hath bestowed many benefits on me, whom you onlie knowe by sight, and vppon other Ministers of the Church, wherby ye haue so bound me vnto you, that I shall neuer be able to make any recompence.
Wherby thou maist gather, that Feastes were first ordeyned by the tales of spirites appearing vnto men.
That sundry kindes of superstition haue crept in, wherby men haue attempted to driue away spirits.
The Frier vpon this reuealeth the whole matter vnto his fathers, desiring to be confessed of his sinnes, wherby he might be found worthy the apparition or séeing of our Lady.
But fearing that he should lose their fauour, he kept his loue secret, wherby he was worse tormented, then if it had bene openly knowen.
Therfore let vs deuise some other waye, wherby the one of vs may gouerne the other without effusion of eithers bloud.
One consisting in your constancy and loyalty wherby you may vaunt yourself aboue hym that sacrificed his Lyfe vpon the bloudy body of his Ladye who for dying so, finished his Trauailes.
Ye be not ignorant by the common report of the Cityzens of this City, and by the same published of me, that I haue trauailed throughe all the Prouinces of the habytable Earthe, wherby duryng the continuall tyme of XX.
Their garments were painted mantels, wherby they were knowen a farre off.
And vppon Midsomer day came letters to Cortes from the Licenciate Ponce, with another letter from the Emperour, wherby he vnderstood y^e cause of their comming.
That castell was in the keeping of the earle of Chester, who at that instant had but few souldiers there in garrison, wherby it was the sooner surprised.
Wherby doe thei knowe those, that be, or are not sufficient to serve.
Extensio, is that wherby a swete and pleasaunt modulacion or tunablenes of wordes is kepte, because some are spoken wyth a sharpe tenure or accent, some wyth a flatte, some strayned out.
It wolde be meete to exercyse chyldren in suche themes, wherby shal be gottẽ bothe wysedome and eloquence.
Ther is an amplificacion also whẽ contraries be set together, wherby bothe the partes seme bygger, and more euidente.
And where as I late have receyved your writing, wherby I .
As for my livelode, I left with Daubeney a bille of many of my dettis, wherby ye alle myght have be indused whedir ye shulde have sent for silver.
And he told me of dyvers thyngs of the demenyng of hym, wherby I understode he lykyd not by hys dysposicyon nor demenyng in thys mater nor in no nothyr; for it symyd he had provyd hym what he ys in other maters.
Neverthe lesse they wold schew no warauntys wherby to take non such, thow ther had suche her; I suppose if they myght have com in pesably, they wold have made an other cause of ther comyng.
Virgyll hath shewed markes wherby a man may know an oxe good for y^e plough, or a cowe meete for generacion & encrease of cattell.
That thing which is of al most excellent, thou canst not geue thy sonne, but thou mayest store hym wyth those good sciences, wherby the best thynges be gotten.
For the poets do trifle whyche tell of a fountayne, wherby olde men do as it were waxe yong agayne: and the phisicions deceiue you, whych promise a gay floryshyng youth to old men thorowe a certeyn folishe fyft essence I wote not what.
Why then is that parte of man, wherby we be properly called menne, neglected so many yeres?
The Emets are not taughte to gather into their holes in somer, wherby they shulde lyue in wynter, but all these thynges be done by instruccion of nature.
He alwayes intended to have left his library of mathematicall bookes to the Royall Societie, of which he was a member; but he happened to dye without making a will, wherby the Royal Societie have a great losse.
Wherby you may consyder agayn, an other proportion of equalitee, that is to saye, that the square E.
Also, the godely menes wherby ye best can entrete my cosyn Sir W.
John Osbern to me, wherby and by hys billes ye may undrestond the verry valewe off the wood.
I grete zow welle, and send zow Goddes blyssyng and myn, letyng zow wete that I have a letter from zour brother, wherby I undyrstand that he cannot, ner may, make no porveyans for the C.
Osakay, to employ for Woman Dono, Mr. Wickhams gerle, and a writing delivered per Mr. Wickham wherby she is to serve the said woman 4 yeares and then at liberty.
Adames had staid his chist with the amber, and that he had receved my letter, wherby he knew the occation.
Death rather healthfull succor giues, Death rather all mishappes relieues That life vpon vs throweth: And euer to vs doth vnclose The doore, wherby from curelesse woes Our wearie soule out goeth.
Like as the cunning fisher takes the fishe By traitor baite wherby the hooke is hidde: So Pleasure serues to vice in steede of foode To baite our soules theron too licourishe.
Wherby the learner may attain in few months to speak and write French correctly as they do now in the Court of France, and wherein all that is dark, superfluous and deficient in other grammars is plain, short and methodically supplied.
On the back of folio 4 he begins his "introductory of orthography or true wrytynge wherby the diligent reder may be infourmed truly and perfytely to wryte and pronounce the Frenche tunge after the dyvers customes of many contress of France.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wherby" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.