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Example sentences for "waste lands"

  • Above all, the cultivation of waste lands, which he was to live to see so largely effected.

  • LOCAL ACTS—For building a chapel of ease at Redditch; for enclosure of waste lands at Rushock.

  • By 382 he had forced them to sue for peace and had settled them on waste lands to the south of the Danube.

  • With the spread of waste lands, due partly to a decline of the population, the state intervened on behalf of the landlords as it had in the provinces and attached the peasants to the domain where they had once been voluntary tenants.

  • This was the result of the failure of the state to check the spread of waste lands, in spite of its attempt to develop the system of hereditary leaseholds to small farmers.

  • The rise in the price of wheat now stimulated the demand for the enclosure of waste lands and of the open or common-fields which then adjoined the great majority of English villages.

  • It is, however, possible that he hoped to inaugurate a system of enclosures of waste lands by a clause which appeared in his abortive proposals of the year 1797 for the relief of the poor.

  • Waste lands of Ireland, proposed employment of the, 665, et seq.

  • The forest area, which until 1820 was on the decrease, has since that time increased steadily, and is especially now increasing through reforestation of waste lands.

  • During the 19th century this grew by purchase, by cessions, and by reforestation of waste lands to double that amount, not less than two million acres being added by the latter cause alone, while some decrease came from clearings.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "waste lands" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    collective security; could climb; follows from; for himself; good hands; great practical; greater degree; had read; house match; king might; marine currents; must accept; often irregular; other writers; place name; religious profession; shall treat; similar conditions; small river; waste away; waste land; waste lands; waste paper; waste products; waste time; years previously