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Example sentences for "warth"

Lexicographically close words:
warst; warstle; wart; warted; warter; wartime; wartlike; warts; warty; warum
  1. Ye savit the laddie's life; and I think that its warth mair than a gowd sovereign to him.

  2. Allera mannalik wet, that i sin bihof mot, men warth ammon sin bihof vnthalden, sa net nen man hwat er skil dva vmbe sin lif to bihaldande.

  3. Man tochte that et eta and drinka vrjeven were, thervmbe warth alles ovir bord jompth.

  4. Thach for that hja navt to bak kvma ne skolde, warth er erost en B to fara hjara star priked, tha bana mith rade blod farve and tha ora misdedar mith blawe farve.

  5. Tha warth wakandom vs dvbbeld boden and tid lerd vs that endracht vsa starikste burch is.

  6. That wraka folk there flate warth bisuda there Sejene an wal set, men that stora folk warth halden.

  7. Thrvch al thissa tellinga warth that dvma folk fon vs ofkerad and to tha lesta fylon hja vs to lif.

  8. The real fact was, that Captain Warth proposed visiting the Gulf of Guinea.

  9. When Gaston had been with Captain Warth about three years, the Tom Jones stopped at Rio Janeiro for a month, to lay in supplies.

  10. There was scarcely any danger and excitement which the mate of the redoubtable Captain Warth had not experienced; nothing had ever before caused him to lose his calm presence of mind, to force him to betray that he had a heart.

  11. By the end of three months, Gaston had become so useful and popular that Captain Warth found him indispensable.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.