In the swamp, in secluded recesses, A shy and hidden bird is warbling a song.
When you, like Orpheus, strike the warbling lyre, Attentive blocks stand round you and admire.
Why sit we mute when early linnets sing, When warbling Philomel salutes the spring?
Mabel now, affecting to have dropped something, returned nearly to the hut she had left, warbling an air, stooped as if to pick up some object from the ground, and hurried towards the hut June had mentioned.
So profound was the stillness of the moment that the sound of the unsteady warbling ascended to the roof and in a minute June began to descend.
Then breathed a soft celestial breeze, Then danced the bright Apsarases, The minstrels and the Gods advanced, And warbling lutes the soul entranced.
The merry cry of bird and beast, That spake aloud their joy, has ceased: Still is the long melodious note That charmed us from each warbling throat.
How differ you from that Appollo now That whilom sat in shade of Lawrell bowe, And with the warbling of your Iuorie Lute T'alure the Fairies for to daunce about!
The song of the crested lark is, in my opinion, very inferior to that of the sky-lark; it seems composed of the warbling of that and of the linnet; this bird sings also in the night.
It soon sang also, but itswarbling consisted at first of but a few harsh sounds, pretty well connected however, and this became at length more clear and smooth.
After midsummer all is ended, nothing is heard but the warbling of the young, which seem to study their father's song, and try to imitate it.
The lesser redpole pleases the eye more than the ear; its feeble warbling being only, if I may thus express it, a low continued clicking.
These birds make a great noise when they are collected in large flights upon the alders, in March and April, but their warblinghardly deserves the name of song.
If this warbling is somewhat unmusical, it has the merit of continuing throughout every season of the year.
Lastly, in the season of pairing, when the male and female entice and pursue each other, from the top of a tree to its base, and thence again to the top, a gentle subdued warbling is all that is heard.
In the house, its song is composed of the warbling of those birds whose cages are hung near it.
But what’s the warbling voice, the trembling string, Or breathing canvass, when the muses sing?
In wood and wild, ye warbling throng, Your heavy loss deplore; Now half extinct your powers of song, Sweet Echo is no more.
To her the breathing of the spring air was a delight, the warbling maze of the brook a treasure.
The sweet mixed warbling of birds, the thousand indistinguishable odours of flowers, made the air both fragrant and musical.
I find that I want fresh air; the heat of the kitchen fire quite upsets me sometimes, and then I come out for a stroll, and get up the trees just to hear the sweet warbling of the songsters.
Can the bird help singing and warbling upward into the deep blue sky, sending down a silver shower of melody as it flies?
It teacheth lamentation and moaning to the nightingales warblingupon the bough of remoteness and bereavement, instructeth them in the art of love’s ways, and showeth them the secret of heart-surrender.
However, when we saw that we were beaten we made the best of it, and really there was very little mess, and it was pleasant to hear them warbling in the roof.
Rudolph gazed into this apartment with interest and curiosity; he perfectly comprehended the joyous humor of this young girl; he pictured the silence disturbed by the warbling birds, and the singing of Miss Dimpleton.
I am sad; yes, instead of warbling gayly when I arrive, they utter such low, plaintive notes, that they appear to wish to console me.
Is rippling in the verdant skies, The owl is warbling his soft tune, Awaiting but thy snowy eyes.
He resembles somewhat the warbling vireo (Vireo gilvus), and the two birds are often confounded by careless observers.
I see them flash through the blossoming trees, and all the forenoon hear their incessant warbling and wooing.
The sun was just setting, and behind us the dark outlines of the trees stood out against the orange-colored sky, while hundreds of birds were warbling and twittering around.
Suddenly the birds, which were warbling on the banks of the stream, all flew away; a goshawk was hovering above us in the sky.