Its history is the history of American society, no less, and one can have no difficulty in visualising an era in which a certain naive ceremony combined in piquant fashion with the sturdy solidity of the young and vigorous country.
Night-blindness suggests such an alternation in the dual factors of Vision--which comprises the intrinsic faculty of Vision and the concrete function of visualising the external.
It will be readily seen that no child can do this without visualising each image very perfectly.
Lord Macaulay and Sir James Paget were notable possessors of thisvisualising faculty.
I seem to be almost destitute of visualising power as under control.
I could mention instances within my own experience in which the visualising faculty has become strengthened by practice; notably one of an eminent electrical engineer, who had the power of recalling form with unusual precision, but not colour.
Artists are, as a class, possessed of the visualising power in a high degree, and they are at the same time pre-eminently distinguished by their gifts of generalisation.
I cannot discover any closer relation between high visualising power and the intellectual faculties than between verbal memory and those same faculties.
If the visualising power be faint, the generalised image will be indistinct.
The power of visualising is higher in the female sex than in the male, and is somewhat, but not much, higher in public schoolboys than in men.
It is among uncivilised races that natural differences in the visualising faculty are most conspicuous.
I think this is one of the most striking cases of accurate visualising power it is possible to imagine.
The visualising and the identifying powers are by no means necessarily combined.
That it must afford immense help in some professions stands to reason, but in ordinary social life the possession of a high visualising power, as of a high verbal memory, may pass quite unobserved.
Osborn of Princeton in the United States, who has given cordial assistance in obtaining information as regards visualising generally.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "visualising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.