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Example sentences for "vires"

Lexicographically close words:
virago; viral; virent; vireo; vireos; virey; virga; virgate; virgates; virgin
  1. Et minimæ vires frangere quassa valent=--A very small degree of force will suffice to break a vessel that is already cracked.

  2. Vires acquirit eundo=--She acquires strength as she advances.

  3. Nec meus audet / Rem tentare pudor, quam vires ferre recusent=--My modesty does not permit me to essay a thing which my powers are not equal to accomplish.

  4. For here the effect having become a cause, we see progress not only advance, but become accelerated by its advance; /vires acquirere eundo/.

  5. Hence it follows that each step of progress tends to a new step in the same direction, /vires acquirit eundo/; seeing that better circumstances and greater foresight engender one another in indefinite succession.

  6. The /vires acquirit eundo/ may be applied with rigorous exactitude to capital, and its beneficent influence.

  7. Druids, hence ministrantem vires rebellibus, for the Druids animated and led on the Briton troops to battle.

  8. Summa ascende ingenii sagacitate a terra in cœlum, indeque rursum in terram descende, ac vires superiorum inferiorumque coge in unum: sic potiere gloria totius mundi atque ita abjectæ sortis homo amplius non habere.

  9. But, apparently, these things had been left temporarily in Goat's abandonment of Ultra Vires and would be picked up by truck later.

  10. This whole side of Ultra Vires was dark, except for a rectangle of light cast from a window a little distance away--the window of Goat Hennessey's study.

  11. None of the groundcars at Ultra Vires was in operating condition.

  12. The party now came over a long low ridge, and the mass of Ultra Vires rose from the desert ahead of them.

  13. When we've cleared up this matter at Ultra Vires and get back to Mars City, I think we should get married.

  14. That's the one I came through when I left for Ultra Vires and when I came back.

  15. They're only animals, after all, and we have to get to Ultra Vires before night, if we can.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vires" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.