The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing," issued by THE STRAD, is the only authorised edition of my work.
The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing" issued by The Strad is the only authorised edition of my work.
We would not miss this greatest of fiddlers in the annals of violin playing--no, not for a Spohr or any other great modern violin master; but his influence can hardly be called beneficial.
Did Paganini influence the art of violin playing, and in what direction?
Scarcely had he recovered, when his father began his lessons in violin playing.
The New and Revised Edition of "Technics of Violin Playing" issued by THE STRAD is the only authorised edition of my work.
As the art of violin making developed, so did that of violin playing, but, whereas the former reached its climax with Stradivari, the latter is still being developed, as new writers and players find new difficulties and new effects.
Violin playing grew in favour in Italy, France, Germany, and England at about the same time, but in England it was many years before the violinist held a position of any dignity.
England has not been the home of any particular school of violin playing, but has received her stimulus from Continental schools, to which her sons have gone to study, and from which many eminent violinists have been imported.
The art of violoncello playing in the first stages of its development was, as regards the method of treatment, not so much favoured as violin playing.
Italy has the claim of priority in violoncello as well as violin playing.
This work contains, besides the viola tutor, an introduction to violin playing.
And this even in a purely technical way: I can recall Kubelik playing Paganini as a wonderful display of the technical points of violin playing.
The great Bohemian pedagogue is usually regarded as the apostle of mechanism in violin playing: as the inventor of an inexorably logical system of development, which stresses the technical at the expense of the musical.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "violin playing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.