Go quickly hence, and with you bear Fine silken vestures rich and rare, And gems and many a precious thing As gifts to Bharat and the king.
Receive these vestures rich and rare, These costly gems and jewels fair, And to thy uncle here present Each precious robe and ornament.
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: not vestures but the wish for vestures!
Old garnitures and social vestures drop off (we say) so fast, being indeed quite decayed, and are trodden under the National dance.
Each of the figures had, as the inscription said, "a writing on theirvestures which nobody knew".
And in the middest of them this renowned and famous Queene in great pompe and vnspeakeable statelynes, and the hemmes of hir vestures so edged and set with pearle and stone, as if nature had rayned and powred them down vpon hir.
Then emulous the royal robes they lave, And plunge the vestures in the cleansing wave; (The vestures cleansed o'erspread the shelly sand, Their snowy lustre whitens all the strand.
These are unspeakably the most important of all the vestures and garnitures of Human Existence.
Pour la bonne diligence For the good diligence Quil faict a peuple That he doth to the peple 4 De liurer leurs vestures To deliuere their clothes Au iour quil a promys.
The Mahometans use long loosevestures both of silk and cloth, most having hose or trowsers of cotton, and white shoes or slippers.
At other times they use vestures of linen of divers colours, also of gossampine or xylon, otherwise named bomasine[51].
Thy vestures were not flowing: Nor did the street Accuse thy feet Of mincing in their going.
Those tapers which we set upon the grave In fun'ral pomp, but this importance have: That souls departed are not put out quite; But as they walked here in their vestures white, So live in heaven in everlasting light.
As flowery vestures do descry The wearer's rich immodesty: So plain and simple clothes do show Where virtue walks, not those that flow.
In costly vestures he would be arrayed Of high descent, and fearing lest his sire Would force him to an hated pillow, strayed 2100 With them to teen the holy vestal fire.
Accoutred in these robes of state, he made 3930 His face and hands in sooty vestures mourn.
But he, a slave in raddle vestures clad And a ragged Marget seeing, started back, Bidding his knaveship to some other pack.
After this are presented other vestures for the ornament of the Mosquita.
From the castle they goe to a gate of the citie called Bab-Nassera, without the which standes a Mosquita, and therein they lay vp the sayd vestures very well kept and guarded.
Through the Sutras of the first book, Patanjali is concerned with the first great problem, the emergence of the spiritual man from the veils and meshes of the psychic nature, the moods and vestures of the mental and emotional man.
Vestures of consciousness are built up in conformity with the Boston of the feel- ing of selfhood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vestures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.