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Example sentences for "upbraidings"

Lexicographically close words:
upborne; upbraid; upbraided; upbraideth; upbraiding; upbraids; upbringing; upbuild; upbuilding; upcast
  1. Self-upbraidings that she had ever listened to such an expedient, assailed her with the cruellest poignancy, mingling almost self-detestation with utter despair.

  2. What my look was I can not tell, but my heart was only dark with ill-restrained upbraidings against heaven that could unrelentingly see such innocence as thine so suffer.

  3. Angered by her upbraidings and brutal by nature, he kicked her, and, being in a condition of pregnancy at the time, she shortly afterward died of the blow.

  4. Possibly with her cries of grief she joined bitter upbraidings of her brother, who had saved himself and Rome at the cost of her bereavement.

  5. She simply radiated love, and allowed neither the frequent upbraidings of her distracted aunt, nor the hourly approach of the fatal day to dim the sunlight of the hour in hand.

  6. The only satisfaction he obtains from his superior takes the form of angry upbraidings for daring to disturb our slumbers; and, continuing his complaints, Kiftan.

  7. Ah Sam groans and winces under this barbarous treatment, but with solicitous upbraidings they hold him down until they have scraped and pounded him black and blue, almost from head to foot.

  8. She exclaimed, with great emotion, "Add not to the upbraidings of a wounded spirit.

  9. Where shall I fly from the upbraidings of my mind, which accuse me as the murderer of my Eliza?

  10. A man could pursue the slave-trade year after year on this principle, with no upbraidings of conscience, if he only suspected that the business would be carried on were he to stop.

  11. O that I could stifle the upbraidings of this cruel monitor.

  12. Schuppanzigh was held responsible and his patience must have been severely taxed by Beethoven's upbraidings and his determination to have an immediate repetition by other players.

  13. It was too fresh, too unworldly to own any upbraidings of artificial shame, any self-reproaches of artificial propriety.

  14. As for madam, she uttered a wild cry, and threw herself back on the couch where she was sitting and seemed as if she had swooned, having no other device so ready to avoid the upbraidings and just reproaches of her spouse.

  15. But as men will, he bullied these misgivings and upbraidings into submission.

  16. I had discovered this fact some time before, and these unkind upbraidings made me feel acutely my position as an orphan.

  17. You will silence any uneasy upbraidings of conscience, should you feel them, by saying that I have deserved death at your hands.

  18. The upbraidings of my conscience, nay the upbraidings of my wife, have persecuted me on your account these two or three months past.

  19. Do not make my self-upbraidings more acute, by refusing the assistance which your brother offers you.

  20. Frank's arguments and upbraidings created in his father an unnatural awe, an apprehension and diffidence in thwarting his wishes and giving advice, which usually distinguish the filial character.

  21. I was prepared to overwhelm him with upbraidings for his past conduct, but found my tongue tied in his presence.

  22. The reproach had no more justice than is usual with the upbraidings of the sickly; for Laura's spirits shared every turn of her father's, though her stronger mind could support with grace the burden that weighed him to the earth.

  23. I bore up against the upbraidings of my deluder, and found a Maria in my master's daughter.

  24. The upbraidings of my conscience, nay, the upbraidings of my wife, have persecuted me on your account these two or three months past.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "upbraidings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.