In 1798 Joseph Lancaster, himself a Friend, opened his first school for the education of the poor; and the cause of unsectarian religious education found in the Quakers steady support.
The schools are unsectarian in character and mainly democratic in government: the aim is to draw out what is best in men and to induce them to act for the help of their fellows.
The Edinburgh Review took the lead, and for a considerable time kept it, as the champion of unsectarian education; and the wit and wisdom of Sydney Smith did invaluable service in this field.
Every religious denomination was invited, but it does not appear that any Catholic ever accepted the invitation; for, if he accepted, he would leave his Catholicity outside until he finished his unsectarian discourse.
We will show this, too, by Protestant and unsectarian authority.
These are some of the model cases of which this unsectarian society makes a boast in its report.
We have also before us the Twentieth Annual Report of the New York Juvenile Asylum, 1871, which proves the proselytizing character of this public-pap-fed unsectarian institution.
They know that Catholics can take no part in unsectarian teachings, but they would like us to do so, for in proportion as we did so would we cease to be Catholics.
Would not this be to elevate into a living, personal dogma an unsectarian teacher?
Feuchterslebens, Dietetics of the Soul and Rau's Unsectarian Catechism, and author of several works on the land question.
Early in life he took an active part in promoting unsectarian education.
Although the Lowell Institute was founded by a Unitarian, and although it has always been largely managed by Unitarians, it has been wholly unsectarian in its work.
The initiative in the establishment of Christian unions for young men in cities, on a wholly unsectarian basis, was taken by a Unitarian.
Eliot gave the university its direction and its unsectarian methods, and it has attained its present position because of his devoted labors.
From the first, American Unitarianism has beenunsectarian and liberty-loving, taking an attitude of toleration, free investigation, and loyalty to truth.
When the new era of university growth began in 1865, with the founding of Cornell University, the influence of Harvard was widely felt in the development of greatunsectarian educational institutions.
As a body, Unitarians have not only been opposed to denominational colleges, but they have been leaders in promoting unsectarian education.
Every one knows that he held no brief to defend orthodoxy-- "To proclaim unsectarian Christianity is, in circuitous language, to proclaim that Christianity is dead.
Unsectarian Christianity consists in shirking the difficulty without meeting it, and trying hard to believe that the passion can survive without its essential basis.
Duty to the unsectariancharacter of our civil institutions demands that this exclusion should be made.
In making this proposal I had in view, not only the unsectarian feature embodied in our charter, but my observation of university chaplaincies generally.
In time most of the evangelical Christians in the city promised to relieve the missionaries of the expense if they would build an unsectarian chapel more worthy of the object.
The character of our Mission is evangelistic, unsectarian and sober.
Witness, among many that might be named, the continuous development of the Sunday School system and the immensely extended operations of the unsectarian Bible Society.
Helen assisted Algernon and the school superintendent in receiving--an unsectarian combination warranted to disturb no prejudice.
I see, and the Boat Club, besides being unsectarian and interdenominational and non-partisan, has a lot of waste enthusiasm and energy that might just as well be put to work.
At the same time they would supplement sectarian Sunday schools with unsectarian every-day instruction.
Under this law in all districts under clerical control the unsectarian schools were abolished.
The state subsidized all the communal schools, Catholic and unsectarian alike.
They might retain at least one unsectarian or adopt one Catholic school, where 25 heads of families demanded it.
A law was passed, despite violent protests from the Liberals, which enacted that the communes might maintain the private Catholic schools established since 1879 and suppress unsectarian schools at their pleasure.
It was described by the late Archdeacon Williams, who had seen the earlier volumes, as 'a work of great promise, as sound in doctrine as it is unsectarian in principle.
It has an admirable system of schools, embracing not only unsectarian Protestant schools for the bulk of the community, but also Roman Catholic schools for the Irish.
In its scientific and its religions aims, in its practical and its unsectarian character, it suits the present age; supplying facts for theorists, illustrating points of Scripture history, and confirming the general truth of the Bible.
Every friend of humanity should do all in his power to promote unsectarian schools as one of the most valuable institutions of the modern state.
Meanwhile, however, the foundation of the London University upon unsectarian principles was encouraging the Utilitarians; and there were other symptoms of the growth of enlightenment.
Boston prefers theology to religion, but it is growing slowly, and there are pulpits that are slowly approaching the unsectarian position--very slowly; while the Rev.
Savage displays a refreshing freedom of thought, and has been more successful than any other clergyman in carrying a large congregation with him, a solitary specimen of a successful though unsectarian teacher in Boston.
One party was composed of the religious, while the other represented the unsectarian element, and by both memorials were sent to Parliament urging the claims of Scotland to a more comprehensive system of national education.
John Winebrenner had the correct idea of the church as comprising all the saved, and his work was on anunsectarian basis.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unsectarian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.