And at this moment something in his expression at length unsealed my eyes, and I recognized, with a pang of pain, the man who had driven past me in that elegant equipage, lolling luxuriously and smoking his hookah.
To leave her warm breast and the sunlight and the green earth, and all that beauty of the world and of human life to which his eyes had only been unsealed after a lifetime of self-torturing blindness?
We haveunsealed the choice Wine with the fingers of might and power.
Nay, rather, We have unsealed the choice Wine with the fingers of might and power.
And an angel's similitude by the unsealed grave, And by the stone: And the voice was angelical, to whose words God gave Strength like his own.
ON THE DOWNS A faint sea without wind or sun; A sky like flameless vapour dun; A valley like an unsealed grave That no man cares to weep upon, Bare, without boon to crave, Or flower to save.
But the engraved form is enclosed first in an unsealed envelope with merely the name of the guest on the cover.
The invitation is folded once and placed in an unsealed envelope with the guest’s name written on it.
Not one of these bottles could beunsealed except in the presence of two jurors of the Admiralty sworn to secrecy, who signed, conjointly with the holder of the jetsam office, the official report of the opening.
Sealed contracts are not as common as unsealed ones, yet they are frequently made.
This is true in every State except California, where the difference between sealed and unsealed contracts is no longer known.
It was not the majestic challenge of the mountains with their unsealed heights of peak and dome and impassable barriers of rugged crag and sheer cliff.
The address on a large unsealed envelope met his eye and he started back with a low cry as though he had looked upon some startling apparition.
Mr. Smith continued the work of translation, as his pecuniary circumstances would permit, until he had finished the unsealed part of the records.
The characters of letters upon the unsealed part were small, and beautifully engraved.
However, in many States the distinction between sealed and unsealed contracts is totally abolished.
And under such statutes unsealed contracts remain as at common law, i.
One more article followed the other two--a letter, which Connie Myers took out of an unsealed envelope.
I only knew that my eyes were unsealed to the beauty and mystery of life.
The thought unsealed my closed eyes, and I looked at him keenly.
Drop letters and alsounsealed printed circulars for any distance not exceeding five hundred miles were, by the same Act, to be charged 1 cent each.
Tell him to trust in the faith of an old man who, like Paul, has had his eyes unsealed in the very midst of his blind persecutions, and come back to save the innocent.
God forgive you, young man, but you have unsealed this heart to its depths.
It is pointed out that unsealed samples regained moisture and became rancid within 8 months in storage.
Insect infestation usually results when the shelled kernels are held in unsealed containers under ordinary storage conditions.
These tests did not show how long kernels might have been kept by drying and storing in unsealed containers.
But Claire is a child; the slip of paper to which he attached such importance was unsealedand he dreaded its falling into wrong hands.
The archduke, anxious and preoccupied, was walking back and forth in his study, while his secretary of ordinance unsealed and examined the letters received during the day.
The prince, left alone, said to himself as he slowly unsealed the letter which had been delivered to him: "I must save this unhappy young man from his own folly.
So I unsealed one of the pumpkins and handed it to him, whereupon he drank and smacked his lips.
And if Ulysses, as my father had read me, stopped his ears against the Sirens, I contrariwise unsealed mine to the ethereal airs of that bare wintry solitude.
Then softly in the silence her lids unsealed and her eyes, as if wonderful with a remote dream, looked up into my face.
When you wrote, recounting the alteration of your views and prospects, heunsealed his heart to me.
But I know more; he told me everything, that one time he talked, his lips unsealed in a burst of hysteria.
And Delaroche, when he told me, that one time his lips were unsealed in a burst of hysteria, said the same thing.
He had sat for perhaps half an hour with the unsealed envelope in his pocket, and no eye had been upon him.
It was not the first time I had unsealed unwilling lips, and I knew the way.
Having unsealed Anders' lips, I was not going to let him stop, so I told the story of Whittington and his Cat, and I even got him and the lassies to understand the awful importance of the Lord Mayor of London.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unsealed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.