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Example sentences for "unrevealing"

Lexicographically close words:
unrestraint; unrestricted; unreturned; unreturning; unrevealed; unreverent; unrevised; unrewarded; unrhymed; unriddle
  1. As I looked at his slight figure, lazily reposing in a long chair, and at his self-possessed, unrevealing face, I found it hard to picture the scene when he broke in the door.

  2. She looked at me with the set, unrevealing expression which I had seen once or twice already.

  3. There are darker stories, too, of deeds whose secret was known only to the hidden tunnel and unrevealing waters below.

  4. She lingered a moment, looking at Yseulte with her meditative, languid, unrevealing gaze.

  5. He searched the unrevealing water, grass and ooze of the swamp.

  6. They stared toward the grass, the water, the bare and unrevealing planks.

  7. Joy had burst asunder the last ligaments, so fretted away in unrevealing sorrow.

  8. As Randal spoke thus at length, he watched anxiously his patron's reserved, unrevealing countenance.

  9. William here paused; again dropped the pebbles into the stream, and glanced furtively on the unrevealing face of the Earl.

  10. It submerged at once, and went due south at twelve knots an hour below the unrevealing seas.

  11. He envied the unrevealing blankness of his eyes.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unrevealing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.