The best way to cure your spot is to run an underdrain into it, if possible, so the rain-water can run through the soil freely and take the alkali with it.
In fact, it may be noticed that the underdrain is not for the purpose of taking care of the sewage, but rather of draining off the soil-water and preventing its interference with the action of soil on sewage.
The writer has seen a six-inch underdrain running full of ground water collected within a distance of a hundred feet, but this was in gravel soil through which the water passed very freely.
Defn: To drain by forming an underdrain or underdrains in; as, to underdrain land.
The underdrain restores the proper equilibrium; the brush-hook and axe cut away the rank unwholesome growth which thrives best in abnormal conditions.
I would urge no farmer to plunge up to his neck into debt in order to underdrain his farm.
We must underdrain all the land we cultivate, that Nature has not already underdrained, and we shall cease complaints of the seasons.
A properly laid underdrain will last half a century or more, but an open drain, especially if deep, has a constant tendency to fill up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "underdrain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.