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Example sentences for "udders"

Lexicographically close words:
ubon; uche; uchi; udder; uddin; ude; uden; udgivne; ueberhaupt
  1. Patiently stood the cows meanwhile, and yielded their udders Unto the milkmaid's hand; whilst loud and in regular cadence Into the sounding pails the foaming streamlets descended.

  2. But in the valleys widely around, there fed on the greensward Herds with shining hides and udders that longed for the milk-pail.

  3. The French peasantry rub the udders of their cows with similar herbs, to ensure plenty of milk, and place them over the doorways of cattle sheds and stables.

  4. The object in thus touching the cattle was that the divine Soma contained in the rod might pass into and enrich the udders of the beasts.

  5. That all ewes with large udders are caught and milked out.

  6. Many ewes having spoiled udders will come to good milk in a few days, if milked out well two or three times daily.

  7. And showed off coquettishly in your domino at the mirror behind closedrawn blinds your unskirted thighs and hegoat's udders in various poses of surrender, eh?

  8. VIRAG: (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone) That the cows with their those distended udders that they have been the the known.

  9. Alcippe nigh, Nor absent Phyllis could my care supply, To house, and feed by hand my weaning lambs, And drain the strutting udders of their dams.

  10. Their large-veined udders hung ponderous as sandbags, the teats sticking out like the legs of a gipsy's crock; and as each animal lingered for her turn to arrive the milk oozed forth and fell in drops to the ground.

  11. The following case, perhaps, comes under the same head: cows in their natural state have their udders but little developed, and do not yield nearly so much milk as our domesticated animals.

  12. This is a mistaken view; it is with sows as with cows, the most prolific milkers are those with well formed and soft udders which almost disappear when the lactation period has passed.

  13. Furthermore, when the proprietors of each cow came forward to make the usual demand upon the udders of the patient creatures, it was found that not one of them had a single pint of milk to present to its lawful and indignant owner.

  14. They proved to be as dry as bones; not a single drop of milk did their udders afford!

  15. Freudenreich[22] found that udders which were not examined for some time after death showed abundant growth, which fact he attributed to the loss of this germicidal property.

  16. The mammary glands of the Ornithorhynchus may be considered, in comparison with the udders of a cow, as in a nascent condition.

  17. The great and inherited development of the udders in cows and goats in countries where they are habitually milked, in comparison with these organs in other countries, is probably another instance of the effects of use.

  18. So again in the udders of the genus Bos, there are normally four developed and two rudimentary teats; but the latter in our domestic cows sometimes become well developed and yield milk.

  19. The udders should be washed before each milking.

  20. Previous to the milking the cattle have been curried outside the milking room and their udders have received a careful washing.

  21. How the ancient Indians could regard the rain-clouds as cows with full udders milked by the winds of heaven is beyond our comprehension, and yet their Veda contains indisputable testimony to the fact that they were so regarded.

  22. So again there are normally four developed and two rudimentary teats in the udders of the genus Bos, but in our domestic cows the two sometimes become developed and give milk.

  23. The great and inherited development of the udders in cows and goats in countries where they are habitually milked, in comparison with the state of these organs in other countries, is another instance of the effect of use.

  24. The cows treated in this way had the udders infected and ruined, and several lost their lives.

  25. The udders often become inflamed and ruined by the formation of abscesses, and cows affected in this way are sometimes rendered permanently valueless for milk production.

  26. Superficial erosions of the skin, particularly of the muzzle and of the teats and udders of cows, may also be present, with some elevation of temperature and emaciation.

  27. Another form almost universally prevalent in this district of central New York in 1889 broke out on the teats and udders as blisters strongly resembling cowpox, but which were not propagated when inoculated on calves.

  28. Chafing, which is another form of erythema, is occasionally seen on the udders of cows from rubbing by the legs; chafing between the legs is not uncommon among fat steers.

  29. Some readers will recall the case of the injection of the udders of show cows at Toronto to impose upon the judges.

  30. Such cows doubtless infect their own udders and those of the cows next them by lashing with the soiled tail.

  31. To make Udders either in Pie or Pasty, according to these Figures.

  32. Thus udders may be dressed in any of the ways of the Neats-Tongues beforesaid.

  33. For greater service two udders and two tongues finely blanched and served whole.

  34. To bake Beef in Lumps several ways, or Tongues in lumps raw, or Heifer Udders raw or boil'd.

  35. If this is true, it must be due to the bacterial content of the soil; the udders of the animals become soiled as they lie on the ground, and during the milking, the dust finds its way into the pail.

  36. Cattle wading in a stream sometimes pollute their udders and so indirectly infect the milk.

  37. The udders and teats of the cow should be thoroughly cleaned before milking; this to be done by thorough brushing and the use of a cloth and warm water.

  38. The cows should be groomed daily, and all collections of manure, mud or other filth must not be allowed to remain upon their flanks, udders or bellies during milking.

  39. Similarly, the milk of a cow, even when her udders are sucked by her calf, can never become impure.

  40. Even as an affectionate cow runs towards her calf, with full udders dropping milk, the highly-blessed earth after the same manner, runs towards the person who makes a gift of earth.

  41. After the same manner, the milk that these kine yield, being born of nectar, should not be regarded as impure (even though the udders have been touched by the calves with their mouths).

  42. While they were being carried away, some milk from their udders fell upon a number of Soma plants that grew by the roadside.

  43. See how the nocturnal flies are tormenting the herd, and with what dexterity he springs up and catches them as fast as they alight on the bellies, legs, or udders of the animals!

  44. The ignorant fancy that it sucks the milk from the udders of the cows, and hence its name; though, probably, it has no objection to a little milk, if it finds it in a pan.

  45. That evening, when the distended udders had been duly despoiled, the lovers repaired to their trysting-place.

  46. Here he was met by the fair young Katrina Buttersprecht, the daughter of his employer, who relieved the tense udders of their daily secretion.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "udders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.