Come, sir, it wants a twelvemonth an' a day, And then 'twill end.
It delights to be both in mountains and woods, and to fix it self in good light grounds; Virgil affirms, ’twill unite with the pear.
And if thus the new earth be somewhat lower than the surface of the rest, ’twill the better receive the rain: Being planted, cut them all within three inches of the ground.
And 'twill thy Rhetorick false flesh confound; Which flatters thy fraile thoughts, no time can wound This unarm'd frame.
Twill be another sop to throw the whining curs that were crippled by the bubble, and who threaten to disturb the country if they are not appeased.
Years may elapse before the completion of the achievement; generations of blacks may go down to the grave, manacled and lacerated, without a hope for their children.