Custance and Trustie both, I doe you here well finde.
Sym Suresby my trustie man, nowe aduise thee well, And see that no false surmises thou me tell, Was there such adoe about Custance of a truth?
Maistresse since I went no grasse hath growne on my hele, But maister Tristram Trustie here maketh no speede.
And where is my trustie friende Mathew Merygreeke?
Why Tristram Trustie sir, your true and faithfull frende, Was priuie bothe to the beginning and the ende.
July, 1634, by your trustie and our loving friend M^r.
What mercie is in him that sleieth his trustie freends as well as his extreame enimies?
Those trustie mates, that loued thee so well, 272 Whom thou gau'st mirth: as they gaue thee the bell.
For all so soone, as Guyon thence was gon 2 Vpon his voyage with his trustie guide, That wicked band of villeins fresh begon 4 That castle to assaile on euery side, And lay strong siege about it far and wide.
Brother, this is sir Iohn Mountgommery, A trustie friend, vnlesse I be deceiude.
But he fearing the sequele of his third cause by his successe had in the two first, hideth himselfe after he had sold all his moouables, and committed the monie vnto his trustie friends.
My trustie seruant well approu'd in all, Heere let vs breath, and haply institute A course of Learning, and ingenious studies.
Wherevpon he with his brother the duke of Glocester, the lord Scales, and diuerse other his trustie friends, entered into the ship.
Wherefore me thinketh it were not worst to send vnto the queene, for the redresse of this matter, some honorable trustie man, such as both tendereth the kings weale and the honour of his councell, and is also in fauour and credence with hir.
And for himselfe and all his adherents he vndertooke, that they were and would remaine, during life, his most faithfull liege people, readie in all points to serue him, as his trustie and obedient subiects.
Take trustie (to trust to) that thinkest to thee, That trustily thriftines trowleth to thee.
Good diligent turnebroch and trustie withall, is sometime as needfull as some in the hall.
Why Tristram Trustie sir, your true and faithfull frende, Was privie bothe to the beginning and the ende.
A trustie man, that court it for your friend: Woo you still for the courtier all in greene?
Maistresse since I went no grasse hath growne on my hele, 10 But maister Tristram Trustie here maketh no speede.
Sym Suresby my trustie man, nowe advise thee well, And see that no false surmises thou me tell, Was there such adoe about Custance of a truth?
Edward, a parlement was holden at Westminster, and the sentence of disheriting the kings aduersaries was pronounced against them, whose lands the king forthwith gaue vnto his trustie subiects, where he thought good.
A trustie villaine sir, that very oft, When I am dull with care and melancholly, Lightens my humour with his merry iests: What will you walke with me about the towne, And then goe to my Inne and dine with me?
Signior Montano, Your trustie and most Valiant Seruitour, With his free dutie, recommends you thus, And prayes you to beleeue him Duke.
Farewell, be trustieand Ile quite thy paines: Farewell, commend me to thy Mistresse Nur.
It were fit you knew him, least reposing too farre in his vertue which he hath not, he might at some great and trustie businesse, in a maine daunger, fayle you Ber.
Brother, this is Sir Iohn Mountgomerie, Our trustie friend, vnlesse I be deceiu'd Edw.
Stay yet another day, thou trustie Welchman, The King reposeth all his confidence in thee Capt.
This trustie Seruant Shall passe betweene vs: ere long you are like to heare (If you dare venture in your owne behalfe) A Mistresses command.
The eyes alone did thoffice of the handes and tongue, as trustie secretaries, and faithful messengers of the effects of the minde.
What other thing (saide Panthea) but to indeuour your selfe, to bee suche a trustie frende to him, as he hath bene to you.
Then Lucrece sent a post to Rome to her father, and an other to Ardea to her husbande, requiringe them that they would make speede to come vnto her, with certaine of their trustie frendes, for that a cruell facte was chaunced.
Thus Araspas departing, telling his moste trustie seruauntes what hee would have done in this matter, went his waye: but Panthea hearing that Araspas was gone, sent to Cyrus this message conteining these woordes.
Truelye (said Panthea) I haue a more precious jewell then this; for if you proue a valiant gentleman to other, as you haue done a louing andtrustie husband to me, you are my dearest jewell.
To Our trustie and welbeloued, Sir Thomas Richardson, Knight, Speaker of Our Commons House of Parliament.
To Our trustie and welbeloued, The Speaker of Our Commons House of Parliament.
To Our right trustie and welbeloued Councellor, Sir George Caluert, Knight, one of Our principall Secretaries.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trustie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.