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Example sentences for "tributes"

Lexicographically close words:
tributarie; tributaries; tributarios; tributary; tribute; tributo; tributos; tributum; tric; trice
  1. Those were the times when poets and literary men of repute, walking round the coasts, did not disdain to write tributes in the visitors' books of rustic inns.

  2. Some provinces have taken the census of their natives; and according to these the tributes and the assignment of the two reals are collected.

  3. They collect, from one year to another, eight thousand pesos in tributes from the Sangleys--both Christians and infidels.

  4. He deprecates the permission given to the Indians for paying their tributes in kind or in money, at their option; for it has led to their neglecting their former industries, and thus to the general damage of the country.

  5. The governor remitted to them the third part of the tributes which they were wont to pay their king, and gave the Moros other advantages.

  6. Some were not satisfied with the tributes and with what they demanded, but made false measures, and balances that weighed twice as much as was indicated.

  7. The tributes of those encomiendas are collected for his royal treasury by his royal officials and the collectors engaged for that purpose by the royal officials.

  8. In most of the provinces no census has been taken, and the tributes are collected when due by the encomenderos and their collectors, through the chiefs of their encomiendas, by means of the lists and memoranda of former years.

  9. There are many very excellent encomiendas throughout the islands, and they offer many profits, both by the amount of their tributes and by the nature and value of what is paid as tribute.

  10. Those natives who possess slaves pay their tributes for them if the slaves are saguiguilirs.

  11. They often exacted the tributes in certain products only, and appraised the same at what value they wished.

  12. Recall the peerless tributes paid to His memory by the Founder of the Faith, acclaiming Him Monarch of God’s Messengers, the Primal Point round Whom the realities of all the Prophets circle in adoration.

  13. Elsewhere one comes across such tributes as: 'My friend Hood, a prime genius and hearty fellow, brings this.

  14. On the whole, however, the Season has received poetic tributes at once numerous and interesting.

  15. For the rest of the neighborhood, the shelves and larder of Mrs. Pennel were constantly crowded with the tributes which one or another sent in for the invalid.

  16. But with the acquisition of the important provinces of Sicily, Spain and Africa, the formation of a tax system based on the tributes of the dependencies became possible.

  17. The barbarian invaders, though they were accustomed to contributions to their chiefs and to the payment of commodities as tributes or as penalties, had no acquaintance with the working of a regular system of taxation.

  18. But others have written tributes so much better and worthier of the subject that he will let them speak.

  19. The spontaneous tributes to the memory of this good man will best show how he was appreciated by those who knew him.

  20. It would be meet and right to give the tributes paid to these Trustees, so worthy of them, if space allowed.

  21. One has only to read the whole-hearted and loving tributes of early graduates to discern the powerful personalities which inspired them.

  22. As was inevitable the exercises were a series of personal tributes to Dr.

  23. It there were no religious, how could the tributes be entirely collected?

  24. Now there are so few inhabitants, that there are not three hundred tributes in the town of San Nicolás, which is the town proper of Sugbú.

  25. For they detest, as a rule, church matters--to such an extent, that they would even pay two tributes to be free from the church.

  26. For the tributes seemed to be only what the chiefs chose to give, without its being possible by any severity to make them give more.

  27. Assuredly no Italian has ever received such tributes as I have at this juncture.

  28. These things are spoken of as magnificent tributes to Plato, and as redounding to his glory.

  29. The advance was well carried out; indeed, its order and style were worthy of the best traditions of our army, and received tributes of admiration from all the commanding officers present.

  30. The grief was universal and personal, and the tributes to his work and memory were spoken from the heart by the great leaders of both parties.

  31. What passed has never been divulged, but he left an impression on the two hundred members who were present which was perhaps one of the best tributes ever paid him.

  32. We regret that among the beautiful tributes paid to him at this time, in the Richmond papers, we have not been able to get any other than that which follows.

  33. Peyton, being called for, responded briefly, thanking the gentlemen who had spoken for their lofty tributes to his father.

  34. I have read with very great pleasure, the beautiful and eloquent and richly deserved tributes to your honored father at the public meeting in your town called for the acceptance of your father's portrait.

  35. I congratulate you on so interesting an occasion, and I sympathise with you in the filial joy and pride and gratitude to God that your heart, I know, felt, as those tributes were paid to your noble father's character and influence.

  36. The funeral service was held in the Church of the Transfiguration, Mrs. Croly's friends gathering from far and near to pay their last tributes of love and regard.

  37. Letters from many clubs belonging to the General Federation were read, and from the secretary's report of the meeting have been gathered the following tributes of notable clubwomen to the beloved founder of both clubs.

  38. Many of them were once old enemies but now they not only sing together but live in harmony, united also in paying tributes to the worth of some reigning monarchs or in expressing denunciation at the degeneracy of others.

  39. I had half the tributes described, though, and the balance I did partly on the steps when the stiff 'un came out, and partly in the church.

  40. Some time ago I had an assignment to write up the floral tributes when a prominent citizen had died.

  41. I skipped about among the floral tributes while he was talking.

  42. One of the pleasant tributes paid to the book was a review in a Pittsburgh newspaper which took the form of a letter to Emmy Lou.

  43. One of the finest tributes to him was paid by his friend Brand Whitlock, then Mayor of Toledo, who has since become famous as United States Minister to Belgium during the Great War.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tributes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.