The cook had another trayful of food, which he passed to Dick in silence, taking the other tray in exchange.
No more was said, and soon the cook appeared with a pot full of newly made coffee and a trayful of other things.
Why, you've got a whole trayful of engagement rings.
Jeweler--"Yes, sir, and it will take that whole trayful of engagement rings to work off those five or six wedding rings.
It never occurred to him that he was opposing his miserable little trayful of rubbish to all the booths and pleasures of the great fair.
He had obtained a trayful of small goods on credit.
A blessed diversion was created by the entrance, at racing speed, of Maggie Kane, bearing a trayful of burning sods of turf; the cascade was torn from the chimney, and the tray was emptied into the grate.
Then Mrs. Bruce advanced one foot towards the house, and in thought wielded the tea-towel and attacked the trayful of cups and saucers that she knew would be awaiting the tea-towel.
When he came back, Lemuel had carried one trayful of bowls upstairs, and returned for another load, which he was piling carefully up for safe transportation.
He arrived just as Lemuel was about to lift a trayful of clean soup-bowls, to carry it upstairs.
There she met Augusta carrying a trayful of finger bowls.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "trayful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.