The ores can be taken from the mine, immediately shipped upon flat boats or a light draft steamer, and transported down the Colorado River to the head of the Gulf of California, when they can be transhipped to England at small cost.
Here are transhipped all the ores coming from the Territory, which find their way to market down the Colorado to the Gulf of California, thence by steamer or sailing vessel to their destination.
Here Escombe transhipped to a coasting steamer in order to reach Natal sooner than we should, for we had to discharge a portion of our cargo.
Many of them, in fact nearly all, were ultimately transhipped to the Northam, which came in before the American, but it was no use looking to her for a tow; it took her all her time to get about herself.
Large tugboats came out to us, and passengers and baggage weretranshipped into them, and we steamed ten miles nearer the still invisible city.
After sailing for eighteen days up the river, wetranshipped into a smaller steamer going to Bolivia.
But the Norwegian Captain declared that he had oftentranshipped cargo at this spot, and that there was no danger whatever.
I immediately chartered one, and after a good deal of see-saw and banging and knocking and crackling of wood alongside the steamer, my baggage and I were transhipped into the flat-bottomed boat.
Out of the three hundred reservists who had transhipped from the San Matias to the Pelikan but thirty-three were untouched by the British fire.
There were, in addition to the major, a junior lieutenant of the Pelikan and seven seamen; the rest, to the number of about a dozen, were reservists transhipped from the San Matias.
For eighteen hours the two vessels lay side by side while the coal was being transhipped to the almost empty bunkers of the raider.
Tablenote 24: The battalion was transhipped to Roslin Castle, which arrived at Durban on 23.
Tablenote 23: The battalion was transhipped to Mongolian, which arrived at Durban on 1.
As a rule, the produce brought down river by the Government steamers istranshipped direct into the railway trucks which run alongside the wharf, and is carried thence by train to Matadi for shipment to Europe.
Having transhipped at once, I was able to proceed on January 11th on the latter.
Again I met with the greatest kindness on the part of Mr. Pinto when I transhipped from the Peruvian boats.
Dzamba is a transit port where cargoes are transhipped from canoes into a small steamer the Milz which plies between it and Buta the capital of Uele.
All the cargo for Stanley Falls and the Upper Congo, as well as that for Uele, has therefore to be transhipped here.
Every basket of rubber and point of ivory exported and every box of food or bale of cloth imported is indeed constantly being transhipped and then conveyed by various methods a few hundred miles on its journey.
I want every man to collect his personal effects and stow them into as small a compass as possible, ready to be transhipped on board the tug.
The British were transhipped to the Bordein, the natives bivouacked on an island.
We transhipped it last night to a small steamer that came alongside of us below Passy.
However,' said I, with a glance into the darkness over the side, 'do not doubt that we shall be transhipped long before any trouble happens.
The cargoes were transhipped into lighters, which brought them as near to the shore as possible, and from this point they were taken to the Custom House in specially-constructed carts with very large wheels.
Before floating again about 100 tons of cargo had to be transhipped to the other steamer, and when we again got into the deep channel it was again transferred to the s.
Passengers were transhipped in the bar anchorage into small tenders, and were brought to a point about 500 metres from the end of the passenger mole.
Everything that had been done before this was by small craft, and transhipped at one of the main rivers; so I was very anxious that the arrival of this ship should be made as complete a success as possible.
Then again a Finnish gentleman had to be transhipped with his family, his horses, his groom, and his dogs, to wait for the next vessel to convey them nearer to his country seat, with its excellent fishing close to Imatra.
The figures given below relate for the most part to this transhipped coffee.
At Maracaibo it is taken by ocean vessel, which either carries it direct to New York or to Curaçao, Dutch West Indies, where it is transhipped to steamers plying between New York and Curaçao.
Here the cargo was finally transhipped to the City of Adelaide, reaching New York in January, 1918, three and a half years after the coffee left Batavia.
It was moved thence by camel transport through Judea to Grand Cairo, via Suez, to be transhipped down the Nile to Alexandria, then the great shipping port for Asia and Europe.
He then transhipped them all to America-- first, to get complete possession; secondly, in the hope that they would never return to trouble him.
Half who were transhippedhad borne the name of Baskette.
Most of the cotters whom Sternhold had transhipped to America thirty years or more previous, were dead and buried--that is to say, the old people were.
We transhipped at Townsville into a dirty old tub belonging to another company and left about noon for Cairns.
On arrival we transhipped into another little steamer running up to Cairns.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "transhipped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.