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Example sentences for "towchyng"

Lexicographically close words:
towardes; towardly; towards; towart; towboat; towd; towe; towed; towel; towell
  1. And gyf hyt plees your Hygnes, as towchyng the soden aventuer that fell latly at Coventre, plees hyt your Lordshyp to her that, on Corpus Christi Even[89.

  2. And as towchyng for tydyngs, I can none, savyng that my Lord of Norffolk met with my Lord of York at Bury on Thursday, and there were to gedre til Friday, ix.

  3. Furthyrmore as towchyng to the derth of vytayles withyn this forseyd Cytee, j.

  4. And as towchyng all other vitailes, it was spendit or that we com in to the Cytee.

  5. As towchyng for your leveryes, ther can noon be gete here of that coloure that ye wulde have of, nouther murrey, nor blwe, nor goode russets, undrenethe iijs.

  6. And as for myn Lord of Norffolk, towchyng your money, he seyth ye shal have hit with inne this xiiij.

  7. Item, as towchyng the burges of Yermothe they wer chosyn on Wednysday.

  8. Item, I sent to zow to have had zowre avyse qwat menys were best to make for the mater towchyng the Lord Scrop, qwere in I had an answer, but me thowthe it was not to the poynthe.

  9. The parson tolde me that he wyst well that Syr Wylliam Chambyrleyn cowd do more ese in swyche matyers as ye wrot of, towchyng my Lord of Bedford,[2.

  10. Plesit yow to have knowlage how that I have be in Sowthefolk for syche materys as my cosyn Dawbeney took my modyr a byll of, towchyng the materys be twyx yow and Jenney.

  11. Item, as towchyng Grene, a came not to Caster on Thursday, for he went to Norwich the same day, and so he is yet ther.

  12. I sopose, and I purposyd to make the labore that ze sent me word I schuld do towchyng me, I can thynk I schuld sone be answerid, meche sonar than he.

  13. As for the mater that ze wold I schold spek to Wylliam Worcester of towchyng the false forgyd evydens, I can not spek with hym yet; hys wyfe seyth allwe that he is oute when that I send for hym.

  14. I have made yow my proctor towchyng the testement off John Paston, Esquier; wherffor I praye yow that ye on my behalve reffuce the admynystracion of hys seyde testamen, fur I woll nowt have ado ther with.

  15. I pray you remembre your brother to send me the evydence and remembrance towchyng the maner of Gresham, which that I wrote to hym be Juddy, and send them be sum suer man.

  16. And I send my husbonde a bill of the mater that ze knowe of, and he wrote an other bill to me agayn towchyng the same mater; and he wold that ze schuld go un to my maistresse yowr modur, and asaye if ze myght gete the hole xxli.

  17. A bonde towchyng the probatt off Fastolffes will, with mi olde testament.

  18. Item, as towchyng Caster, I tryst to God that ye shall be in it to myn use or Crystmesse be past.

  19. Item, as towchyng the mariage off my brother John, I have sente hym myn advyce, and tolde hym wherto he shall truste, and I have grauntyd hym as moche as I maye.

  20. And as towchyng or concernyng any manner of reproche, forasmoche as there be divers and many sundry Poyntis of reproche, there shall be here declared but three Poyntes of them oonly, as it is declared in manner and fourme folowyng.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "towchyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.