Having read the two following Letters with much Pleasure, I cannot but think the good Sense of them will be as agreeable to the Town as any thing I could say either on the Topicks they treat of, or any other.
Besides, said one whom I overheard the other Day, why must this Paper turn altogether upon Topicks of Learning and Morality?
In the multitude of topicks agitated by these commentators, IÂ had almost forgot one, much relied upon by the last-mentioned gentleman.
It may have been observed by every reader, that there are certaintopicks which never are exhausted.
But theology has few topicks to which action can be appropriated; that action which is vague and indeterminate will at last settle into habit, and habitual peculiarities are quickly ridiculous.
We should have excited the attention, and enlarged the observation of each other, and obtained many pleasing topicks of future conversation.
Every new scene impresses new ideas, enriches the imagination, and enlarges the power of reason, by new topicks of comparison.
His choice of encomiastick topicks is very judicious; for he considers Cromwell in his exaltation, without inquiring how he attained it; there is, consequently, no mention of the rebel or the regicide.
Supplication of man to man may diffuse itself through many topicks of persuasion; but supplication to God can only cry for mercy.
All thesetopicks were happily varied with elegant fictions and refined allegories, and illuminated with different changes of style and felicities of invention.
But this tale has too little evidence to deserve a disquisition; large offers and sturdy rejections are among the most common topicks of falsehood.
He said, 'A country gentleman should bring his lady to visit London as soon as he can, that they may have agreeable topicks for conversation when they are by themselves.
Why yes, Sir, the topicks were; and books of travels will be good in proportion to what a man has previously in his mind; his knowing what to observe; his power of contrasting one mode of life with another.
As the sentiments are pious, they cannot easily be new; for what can be added to topicks on which successive ages have been employed!
One reason for my omission is, that being in a place to which you are wholly a stranger, I have no topicks of correspondence.
I hope still to see you in a happier hour[1125], to talk over what we have often talked, and perhaps to find new topicks of merriment, or new incitements to curiosity.
Mr. Malone things it is rather a proof that he felt nothing of those cheerful sensations which he has described: that on these topicks it is the poet, and not the man, that writes.
Footnote: This gentleman, though devoted to the study of grammar and dialecticks, was not so absorbed in it as to be without a sense of pleasantry, or to be offended at his favourite topicks being treated lightly.
After dinner, varioustopicks were discussed; but I recollect only one particular.
IT may have been observed by every reader, that there are certain topicks which never are exhausted.
The Duke is unfortunately for him not sufficiently informed to enable Him to write upon some of the Higher and more sacred Topicks of Miss J.
Another of his topicks is the neglect of merit, with which he never fails to amuse every man whom he sees not eminently fortunate.
And the pleasure of wantoning in common topicks is so tempting to a writer, that he cannot easily resign it; a train of sentiments generally received enables him to shine without labour, and to conquer without a contest.
So large a part of human life passes in a state contrary to our natural desires, that one of the principal topicks of moral instruction is the art of bearing calamities.
If he should with too little premeditation encumber himself by an unwieldy subject, he can quit it without confessing his ignorance, and pass to other topicksless dangerous, or more tractable.
The favourite topicks of his discourse are the pranks of drunkards, and the tricks put upon country gentlemen by porters and link-boys.
These are the topicks from which are drawn some of the most plausible reasons that have been given by the federalists in favour of their plan, as derived from the sentiments of foreigners.
On such a subject, extensive in its nature, and important in its consequences, the examination has necessarily been long, and the topicks treated of have been various.
Johnson had entered into some engagement with Mr. Hamilton, occasionally to furnish him with his sentiments on the great political topicks that should be considered in Parliament.
The theatre, when it is under any other direction, is peopled by such characters as were never seen, conversing in a language which was never heard, upon topicks which will never arise in the commerce of mankind.
Yet it may be alleged by those who imagine Shakespeare to have been generally able to think for himself, that the topicks are obvious, and their application is different.
The most necessary measures may often admit of very florid exclamations against them, and may furnish very fruitful topicks of invective.
URBAN, Among the principal topicks of conversation which now furnish the places of assembly with amusement, may be justly numbered the fireworks, which are advancing, by such slow degrees, and with such costly preparation.
The theatre, when it is under any other direction, is peopled by such characters as were never seen, conversing in a language which was never heard, upon topicks which will never rise in the commerce of mankind.
We should have excited the attention and enlarged the observation of each other, and obtained many pleasing topicks of future conversation.
The paucity of its topicks enforces perpetual repetition, and the sanctity of the matter rejects the ornaments of figurative diction.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "topicks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.