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Example sentences for "tomfoolery"

Lexicographically close words:
tomentosa; tomentose; tomentum; tomes; tomfool; tomins; tomo; tomorrer; tomorrow; tompions
  1. He'll soon get hold of some other tomfoolery there, and forget this.

  2. You wouldn't know what tomfoolery I mightn't--" The apology broke off abruptly.

  3. What tomfoolery is this,' said he; yet he yielded to me, and soon I garnered three of his melodies; but I would not let Cul de Jatte wot the thing I meditated.

  4. Officers of state ran septemvious, seeking an ape, to counteract the bloodthirsty tomfoolery of the human species.

  5. I have tasted the joys of Carnival elsewhere--at Rome in Papal times and at Paris in Imperial times--but never did the tomfoolery like me less.

  6. But the immature tomfoolery has no more resemblance to the stern, actual diversion than a donkey-race has to the Derby.

  7. I never thought to see two grown men enjoy tomfoolery so seriously as did these two brothers from this moment on.

  8. Don't you realise Iris, that the man who stopped Antony in Jermyn Street, the man you married, was very different to the man who played host to Antony's tomfoolery on that Nigel Poole night?

  9. W-what was that tomfoolery she was talking to you about?

  10. What was the tomfoolery she was talking to you about?

  11. What I want to know, Alfred Burton, is first how long this tomfoolery is to last, and secondly what it all means?

  12. Why don't you give up this tomfoolery and come home to me and the boy?

  13. His opinion is that life is too serious a business for tomfoolery and far too tragic for needless ostentation of sentiment.

  14. He only despised tomfoolery more emphatically than his neighbours.

  15. When tomfoolery turns to foolishness its perpetrators are only too anxious for a chance to abandon it.

  16. I told him exactly how I felt: that I was growing impatient of all the tomfoolery of college; that I wanted work more sure of manly results, more broadening, more full of character.

  17. Well then, drop this tomfoolery and go on!

  18. I mean to make him understand that his days of tomfoolery are over!

  19. But what if it were not tomfoolery at all?

  20. There shall be no tomfoolery of love-making," she had said.

  21. When you condescend to tell me that you are devoted to me, as though that were the kind of thing that I expect to have said when I take a walk with a young man in a wood, is not that the tomfoolery of love-making?

  22. There is nothing I hate so much as the idea that a young man and a young woman can't be acquainted with each other without some such tomfoolery as that.

  23. I acted upon the dictum of one of the most successful men I ever knew, that "it's tomfoolery to send good money after bad.

  24. Do you know that is the worst tomfoolery this idiotic world ever gave birth to?

  25. Meaning that tomfoolery of this sort never pays.

  26. Don't you think," he said, "that you have carried this tomfoolery of yours far enough?

  27. They originated all that tomfoolery for their own individual delectation.

  28. An end to the silly confusion, under the one name of Art, of the tomfoolery and make-believe of our play-hours with the higher methods of teaching men to know themselves!

  29. It is no tomfoolery to me, my lord," she said, with a flash of rising anger that warned him.

  30. You don't mean to say that you're taking this tomfoolery seriously, Lady Katherine--Kitty?

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tomfoolery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antic; banter; buffoonery; caper; foolery; fooling; frolic; horseplay; lark; nonsense; play; prank; shine; tomfoolery; trick