Ray stepped ontiptoe to the door as though he wanted not to hear.
Next morning, the green world stood on tiptoe to welcome the victorious sun, and every little leaf shone as a child's eyes might shine at the remembrance of a joy just past.
April stood on tiptoe in the woods, finger on lip, ready to dance out between the sunshine and the rain.
Her free hand made a caressing gesture across his neck and shoulder, as she stood on tiptoe to reach him.
Every time Sir Hector applauded a new pyrotechnic effect, the people in his immediate neighbourhood all stretched their necks and stood on tiptoe to see if they too could not catch a glimpse of what had aroused his enthusiasm.
Before Jasmine stretched years and years of silent sunlit vacancy, in which she would be walking about on tiptoe and throttling every gush of spontaneous feeling just as she had throttled that bath tap.
After lunch a few whispers were exchanged between her and Lady Grant, at the conclusion of which she danced on tiptoe out of the dining-room, and Lady Grant turned to her niece.
She wandered on tiptoe along the pale green Axminster pile, went into the bathroom, crossed herself, and turned on the tap.
After them comes the faithful Miss Winant with Burr's great-coat, carefully treading on tiptoe lest she should attract his attention to her heavy burden.
On tiptoe she crept to the door and, turning the lock, opened it a few inches and went in very softly, bolting it on the inside.
This pride was as much a part of her life as her pompadour, which at that time was so high that she had to tiptoe to reach it.
It was his habit to tiptoe around the Senate chamber whispering to other Senators, and then having sat down to rise suddenly as though some great impulse had come to him and hurry into the cloakroom.
On either side were great forests of mangrove trees, standing tiptoe on their myriad down-dropping roots, each root midleg in the water.
With that she went on tiptoe gracefully and blew a kiss to her sister's lips.
The morning that was to give me my self-promised land crept on tiptoe into the room on the third story, and touched me where I slept, and on pushing the shoji apart and looking out, I beheld as fair a day as heart could wish.
As we wound our way up the narrow valley, day left the hollows to stand on rosy tiptoe on the sides of the hills, the better to take flight into the clouds.
When he is in the throes of inspiration none dare go near him and Mrs. Barnett, the good soul, walks on tiptoe and hushes her brood.
People stood on tiptoe at the open windows, and crowded at the door.
Lightly and fiercely he went in, like a brave man who is fretful until he meets his danger's face; and John caught at his wrist, and went tiptoe after him.
But as the bearers were going out on tiptoehe suddenly sat up in bed.
They came on tiptoe to the door, looked in, shuddered, and went back.
So, using no greater precaution than holding her breath and walking on tiptoe as she passed the library door, she went straight to Emma's room as a privileged visitor.
Stealing on tiptoe towards this latter piece of furniture, he retired with it into the remotest corner, and intrenching himself behind it, watched the enemy with the utmost vigilance and caution.
Sweet Peas Here are sweet peas, on tiptoe for a flight: With wings of gentle flush o'er delicate white, And taper fingers catching at all things, To bind them all about with tiny rings.
Even Jean was on thetiptoe of expectancy to get her first look at Madame Ormond.
Kit felt, listening to the four of them go over dear old reminiscences, that it was as though she stood at the curtain of the past, on tiptoe at a peep-hole.
For he too was as jocund as the day which stood tiptoe on the misty mountain-tops.
She too sensed what was coming, and the sex instinct in her was on tiptoe in flight.
His powerful figure filled the doorway, and Cynthia, coming up behind him, raised herself on tiptoe to touch his bared head.
When Carraway found him he was bustling noisily about the sick-room, walking on tiptoe with a tramp that shook the floor, while Will lay gazing wearily at the sunlight which filtered through the bright green shutters.
It slipped down across her brow like a watchful nurse coming in on tiptoe to protect a fretful patient from broken sleep.
Beer is free to soldiers And lips are free, and women, Breathless, stand on tiptoe To see the flushed young thousands in advance.
In an old high room where the shadows troop On tiptoe across the creaking boards A shrivelled man covers endless sheets Rounding out in his flourishing hand Sentence after sentence loud With dead kings' names.
If they had walked heel or tiptoe I should not have scolded to myself about the ugly issue shoes, and called them shovel-feeted, and wished they had to lie in bed.
The small girls crowded upon tiptoe at the show-case, peering through the glass sides to inspect the little wonders.
And now they walk heel or tiptoeon Cordelia's wet floor.
Then if you ap-ol-ogize and say you do not wish them to be cripples any more, and that you will stop talking vain, they will again speak to you, and they will walk heel ortiptoe on your floor.
When at length her work was done as well as she was able, and the last stair wiped, she went back upstairs on tiptoe to inspect her floor and see if it was dry.
But she won't quite stop dancing, and makes little quick tiptoe movements, not to seem over-subservient and docile.
Then her Ladyship came in, and following her, in tiptoe silence, the young soldier himself.
Their general tenor was now peace, piety, the mild content that lasts, not the fierce bliss ever on tiptoe to depart, and above all, Christian charity.
Come, and I'll show thee something better," said Margaret, and led him on tiptoe to the window.
I was all a tiptoe and going in, only just then I thought I wouldn't.