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Example sentences for "thunderstorms"

Lexicographically close words:
thundering; thunderings; thunderous; thunders; thunderstorm; thunderstruck; thundery; thundring; thune; thunk
  1. The thunderstorms have stopped for a bit, and I'm longing for some peace.

  2. But when a cyclone is passing in summer a series of thunderstorms or heavy showers with some thunder frequently take place instead of the all day winter rain.

  3. As a rule these little heat thunderstorms do not amount to a great deal.

  4. These thunderstorms sometimes achieve in an hour or two even greater results than their winter relatives can accomplish in three days in the matter of rainfall, wind velocity, and general destructiveness.

  5. The small heat thunderstorms are only the indulgences of a spell of fair weather.

  6. The great thunderstorms come for greater reasons: they are yoked to a low pressure area and represent the summer's brother to the winter's three-day storm.

  7. Of course, it was impossible for him to guess wrong more than half the time so that when he announced in January that July would be hot with thunderstorms he was often right.

  8. These thunderstorms mount up against the wind.

  9. Thunderstorms play pretty generally over our three million square miles with their hundred million population.

  10. Luckily for St. Swithin July and August are wet months, with often several days of showers or thunderstorms in succession.

  11. The great thunderstorms are always in connection with the passing of a cyclone.

  12. You see thunderstorms cause powerful electrical waves that affect apparatus miles and miles distant.

  13. Never mind the thunderstorms now," put in Mr. Crowninshield.

  14. You see it has been a close, heavy day and no doubt thunderstorms are in the air.

  15. Third and fourth heavy storms over the extreme Northwestern States, causing thunderstorms over the Missouri Valley and showery, rainy weather over the whole country from 5th to 8th.

  16. Thunderstorms are prevailing in Kansas and all of the district just north of the course of the storm, which is the natural result after such commotion of the elements.

  17. They'll have a few thunderstorms most likely, but in twenty-four hours everything will be as it was before.

  18. The church is a curious ruin; it was used as a powder- magazine, and was struck by lightning in one of the ten thousand thunderstorms of the Rio Plata.

  19. From facts stated in several books of travels, I am inclined to suspect that thunderstorms are very common near the mouths of great rivers.

  20. The effect of this arrangement is that thunderstorms are unknown here.

  21. Umgwadhla day by day turned an apprehensive eye to the westward, the quarter from which thunderstorms might be expected, but the sky remained as brass.

  22. So when the thunderstorms broke over us I used to wonder in pained resignation which building would be the first struck.

  23. Two other thunderstorms have passed over since we have been on the creek, from only one of which we have received any rain worth mentioning.

  24. There have been heavy thunderstorms towards the north, and I hope we shall find plenty of water.

  25. It was springtime when he returned; he would go forth once more when the first thunderstorms trailed over the desert.

  26. Bushmanland depended for its uncertain rainfall upon thunderstorms from the north in the summer season.

  27. Violent thunderstorms occurred in various parts of the county.

  28. Heavy and destructive thunderstorms occurred throughout Norfolk, and especially in the western portion of the county.

  29. Further thunderstorms occurred in other parts of the county on August 2nd.

  30. Do you really believe she could sleep naturally again if there were thunderstorms at night?

  31. And it was one of those violent thunderstorms which provided our friends with the opportunity to escape for which they had been so long and so patiently waiting.

  32. They should not, she declared, mix murders and thunderstorms in the same scene.

  33. We don't have thunderstorms to amount to anything, in Los Angeles.

  34. And one could not but notice how the most awful thunderstorms passed by all obstacles to concentrate themselves on Matung.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thunderstorms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.