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Example sentences for "throngs"

Lexicographically close words:
throneless; thrones; throng; thronged; thronging; throo; throops; throstle; throstles; throte
  1. Then the panic-stricken throngs of wounded and stragglers, women and camp-followers, writhed and fought their way until the frail planks were piled high with living and dead.

  2. The best food obtainable was horseflesh, and hungry throngs rushed at every horse that fell, disputing its carcass with the packs of dogs or wolves that hung about the line of march.

  3. It had been well advertised, and the object was a popular one, and throngs of willing buyers crowded the Fairfield house.

  4. I'm to wear a gorgeous Chinese kimono and one fascinating cap after another, selling them off of my head to the eager throngs of purchasers!

  5. The diversified throngs I encountered in Herat produced a pleasing effect upon me.

  6. The monastic chapel also contained the relics of saints or sacred images of miraculous power, and throngs of worshippers were attracted by the miracles, and desired to place themselves under the protection, of the saint.

  7. And then the sick in throngs pressed hard upon the healer and the twelve, imploring to be healed.

  8. And Miriam stood before the waiting throngs and sung again the songs of victory, and all the people said, Amen.

  9. I see you in the hurrying throngs of earth as minister of love; I hear your voice in song, that wins the hearts of men to better things.

  10. And when the people heard that he was there they came in throngs to hear him speak.

  11. The people of the town came out in throngs to see the Christ, and hear him speak; but Jesus said, 11 A prophet has no honor in his native town, among his kin.

  12. I tell you, men, while I am giving out my strength unto these anxious, waiting throngs I find myself at rest within the arms of God, 14 Whose blessed messengers bring down to me the bread of life.

  13. The news soon spread through all the land that Jesus was at home and then the people came in throngs to welcome him.

  14. I fain would sleep, yet dare not: all the air Throngs thick upon me with the pregnant terror Of life unseen, yet near.

  15. As after wolf wolf presses, leaping through the snow-glades, So woe on woe throngs surging up.

  16. The first cry of the enlightened and increasing throngs is: death to thieves!

  17. In the Council of Ministers the question was agitated whether vignettes representing slack-rope performances, which adorned Franconi's advertising posters, and which attracted throngs of street urchins, should be tolerated.

  18. The streets of the Latin quarter, filled with throngs of students and grisettes, saw the beginning of their dream.

  19. The fishing-boats tacked in zig-zags all about, and throngs of ships and steamboats came to meet them.

  20. While the congregation still sat, spellbound and motionless, Johannes hastily writhed his way out between the benches and the throngs of people.

  21. The expression of his eyes was calm and mild while they still rested upon the throngs of lovely images.

  22. He is like one who continues to urge gently, in one direction, through throngs that go--they know not whither.

  23. But there was a sufficient contingent of the annual one million pilgrims present to give us a very fair idea of the reverence in which this, the chief of all Russian monasteries, is held, and of the throngs which it attracts.

  24. It was summer-time, and every part of the way quite to the seaside was hardly passable, by reason of throngs of people and whole clouds of dust.

  25. As he passes through the throngs in the city, All gaze upon him as some deity.

  26. He was with Nature on the sabbath-days; Far from the dressed throngs and the city bells He gave his hot brows to the kissing wind, While restless thoughts were stirring in his heart.

  27. Obscure he dwelt, not in the wilderness, But in a hut among the throngs of men, Concealed by meekness and simplicity.

  28. And this she felt most deeply when she watched Her human comrades and the throngs of men, Who met and parted oft with moving lips That had a meaning more than she could see.

  29. Were these throngs the guests that were to come, or those that had been herein other seasons?

  30. God greets the throngs who pay their vows In courts their hands have made; And hears the worshipper who bows Beneath the plantain shade.

  31. Fill all his courts with sacred songs, And from the temple wall Wave garlands o'er the joyful throngs That crowd his festival!

  32. Tis number makes a schism: throngs are rude, And God himself died by the multitude.

  33. Whoso was sleeping sprang to his feet; drowsy throngs came out on the streets, listening carefully.

  34. Do you see what throngs have come to the capital?

  35. The commissioners took their way, not toward the bridge, for throngs of people had blocked the road, but toward the southern gate at the side.

  36. New cannon were brought to the intrenchments by janissaries, countless throngs of whom covered the new castle, taking refuge in its fosses and ruins, so as to be in readiness for a hand-to-hand struggle.

  37. Basia was surrounded quickly with throngs of mustached faces, threatening, somewhat wild, but radiant with joy.

  38. After the army and the armed bands of volunteers marched throngs of shop-keepers, selling goods of all kinds; their wagons, together with those of the troops, flowed on like a river.

  39. But the entrance of Basia arrested the attention of the throngs more than all.

  40. But these throngs were incompetent to bring the ship of the Commonwealth into calm waters successfully, for their heads were sunk in darkness and ignorance, and their hearts were for the greater part corrupted.

  41. Upon these well-lighted thoroughfares the usual throngs went about their business, and shops and stalls stood open, with their wares displayed.

  42. He entered the city unquestioned, merging himself with the throngs that poured continually in and out of this great commercial center.

  43. Men who had voted for Washington came forward with the snows of a hundred winters on their brows, and amid the silence and tears of assembled throngs deposited their ballot for Abraham Lincoln.

  44. They knew well that they were marching through throngs of officers and soldiers who had drilled as many months as we had drilled weeks, and whose eyes would readily spy out every defect.

  45. In two minutes more we were in full possession; the doors were locked, and the struggling throngs beat against them in vain.

  46. Although throngs upon throngs of cars, and myriads of elephants and steeds, rushed towards him, yet Partha felt no fear but fought on, prevailing upon all his foes.

  47. Then the diadem-decked (Arjuna) and Bhimasena, checking that flight of their troops, suddenly encountered that hostile force with two large throngs of cars.

  48. With two mighty throngs of cars, Vibhatsu and Vrikodara attacked thy host; the former on the right and the latter in the front.

  49. Encompassing that warrior there with throngs of cars, O sire, they cheerfully began to pierce him with their shafts, desiring to protect the Wind-god's son in that battle.

  50. The earth hardly bore the throngs of men-at-arms, speeding on confusedly; they trod it, but it could not bear their weight.

  51. Often a general's greatest valour depends on his soldiery, for the chief enters the fray all the more at ease that a better array of nobles throngs him round.

  52. For it is amiss that the hair of men that are ready for battle should be bound back with wreathed gold; such attire is right for the throngs of the soft and effeminate.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "throngs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.