Into this was conveyed all the remaining stores and the machinery, the whole being covered with heavy tarpaulins and tightly tied.
Over all they drew the tarpaulins and pegged them down.
They went to the tent and got the biggest of the tarpaulins lying there, and taking it to the two seven-foot sawhorses which the Indian sawyers had used.
How they spread out oiled cloths and tarpaulins and garments to gather them!
Besides forming a shelter for the men while they slept, these tarpaulins threw off the waves that frequently broke over the boat, and more than once bid fair to sink her altogether.
The tarpaulins were quickly filled, and the men lay with their lips to the sweet pools, drinking-in new life, and dipping their heads and hands in the cool liquid when they could drink no more.
After the first burst of the squall had passed, the tarpaulins were spread over the boat, and under one of these, near the stern, Ailie was placed, and was comparatively sheltered and comfortable.
Solid as the very wood and steel they were screwed to and blocked by, they pushed their wicked thin little noses up as though trying to look through the tarpaulins that covered them.
Two fishing launches are there in the inlet, but under the tarpaulins are small but effective machine guns.
Several cowboys spread tarpaulins upon the ground and began to select and roll small packs, evidently for hurried travel.
Tarpaulins and bedding were then hauled up, and food and water.
Many of their little keepsakes and "gim-cracks" had been broken when the tarpaulins were spread.
Ashore went the fish--ashore by the barrow-load--and into a convenient little gully where the tarpaulins would keep it snug against the weather.
Before dark the rain was coming down steadily, but having rigged tarpaulins over the hood and awning we so far kept dry and comfortable.
The awning we took in, but the lashings of the tarpaulins which covered the hood were so tightened by moisture that it was impossible to unknot them, and so the structure was left standing.
Despite the tarpaulins the wet found its way in and soaked us to the skin, so that with daylight we were glad to make preparations for returning to Kiukiang.
With timbers and tarpaulins from the ship they built a storehouse on the barren, in the midst of a thicket of spruces.
They removed thetarpaulins from the main hatch, and broke it open.
We hastily rigged some tarpaulins over our limber, and escaped a wetting from a heavy shower.
Nothing happened, so I have adjourned to some tarpaulinsin the back yard.
I only thought you'd have had a drop of wather or two whin the skoilight got adrift, and we've rigged up tarpaulins over it and battened it down comfortably, so that ye'll not be throubled any more by the say washing down.
With nervous, trembling fingers he took a suit of tarpaulins and a sou'wester from a hook behind the porch door, and walked down to the dock.
The diver, with his stiffened fingers, combed the dripping spray from his beard, and without a word drew his tarpaulins closer.
The boys wrapped themselves in their blankets and crawled between their tarpaulins with their feet to the smouldering fire.
In making common tarpaulins it is well to soak the canvas thoroughly in sea-water before laying on the dressing, and as the water evaporates the tar penetrates the fabric.
I've got an idea that I could work in all the hatches and tarpaulins for a roof; for though you get plenty of sunshine out here, my word, when it do rain, it do!
We will have the lighters alongside to coal us to-morrow; and before they come along we will hang tarpaulins all round the ship to keep the paint clean.
During the night the frost had been so severe, that we were obliged to wait a little this morning for the sun to thaw the tent and tarpaulins before they would bend to fold up.
Here we piled the cargo in two mounds, which we hooded with tarpaulins and with our overturned canoes.
Stretched tarpaulins made my tent, and I crawled under them, drew down the folds, and was alone.
There were no masts or spars or shrouds or sheets, but there were tarpaulins on the deck, and these were soon arranged in seamanlike fashion.
They had one light, a flare borne above them, which shone on their tarpaulins and white smocks, and on the huge ship-hammers they carried.
Tarpaulins provided by Consignors are returned free of charge, except 5d.
At the special request of senders, tarpaulins are supplied by some of the railway companies, if there are any available, upon payment of fl.
Extra is charged for tarpaulins if the goods are required to be covered.
Senders may supply their own tarpaulins for the covering of the goods, and they are returned free of charge, at owners’ risk, or at the company’s risk on payment of the ordinary carriage.
Dick Kemp had charge of the deck, for the lieutenants in those days, unless they were tarpaulins or brought up in the service, did not perform that duty.
You tarpaulinsare accustomed to the water; it is an advantage you have over us," remarked the lieutenant.
I watched the use to which the tarpaulins were put and I understood.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tarpaulins" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.