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Example sentences for "swear fealty"

  • This family concord was at once broken by Richard's flat refusal to swear fealty to his elder brother for Aquitaine.

  • The barons were to be asked to swear fealty to the young Henry as the direct heir to the crown.

  • The Castle of Roxburgh was yielded by James, steward of Scotland; and that nobleman, from whom is descended the royal family of Stuart, was again obliged to swear fealty to Edward.

  • When William, king of Scotland, was taken prisoner in the battle of Alnwick, he was obliged, for the recovery of his liberty, to swear fealty to the victor for his crown itself.

  • He caused his attendants to swear fealty to Henry, and sent orders to the sheriffs and other royal officers throughout the kingdom to render the prince their obedience.

  • The people of all classes and orders hastened to swear fealty to him, arguing, from the prestige of his parentage, and the reputation of his amiability, a fortunate reign.

  • On the birth of his grandson, the king again endeavoured to secure to his race the succession to the throne by causing the barons once more to swear fealty to Matilda and to her children.

  • And besides, did not all the great lords swear fealty to England, on the day he nominated their king?

  • Edward only required, in return for this royal gift, that he should abandon the cause of Scotland, swear fealty to him for Ireland, and resign into his hands one whom he had proscribed as the most ungrateful of traitors.

  • Bonjour, messieurs, may God have you in his keeping; swear fealty to me.

  • All lay functionaries were required to swear fealty to the King and Queen on pain of expulsion from office.

  • But the strongest passions of both parties were excited by the question whether persons who already possessed ecclesiastical or academical offices should be required to swear fealty to the King and Queen on pain of deprivation.

  • All the male inhabitants of Cæsarea were then to swear fealty to the Emperor and to his son Henry VI.

  • The title of Prince of Wales with a right to the homage of the Welsh chieftains satisfied his ambition; and he consented to swear fealty to Henry, and to pay him the sum of twenty-five thousand marks.

  • How the Florentines caused the dwellers in the country around to swear fealty to the city, and how the new Carraia Bridge was begun.

  • How the Florentines caused the dwellers in the country around to swear fealty to the city, and how the new Carraia Bridge was begun 125 BOOK VI.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swear fealty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient buildings; based economy; blue grass; cattle station; considerable extent; could draw; extensive tract; face down; great multitudes; internal and border troops; know the; legally binding; miles distant; military duty; never quite; regards their; seems impossible; swear allegiance; swear fealty; three acts; triumphal arches; warrant thee; will marry