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Example sentences for "supersedes"

Lexicographically close words:
superscript; superscription; superscriptions; supersede; superseded; superseding; supersensible; supersensitive; supersensual; supersensuous
  1. Let us examine somewhat more closely the fact that machinery more and more supersedes the work of men.

  2. The hopeful outlook Human resistance to divine Science weakens in pro- 330:1 portion as mortals give up error for Truth and the un- derstanding of being supersedes mere belief.

  3. As the attack in war masters the defence, and the combative instinct becomes unnecessary to the preservation of life, the economic supersedes the martial mind, being superior in bread-winning.

  4. An abondance in trumps is of the same money value as another abondance, though the trump call supersedes the call in plain suits.

  5. Here we may first note the call of "Wellington," which is a superior call to Napoleon, inasmuch as it supersedes the latter.

  6. But this last advice he supersedes in Fors of 1873 and later dates, when he places preaching on a purely amateur basis, in the passages quoted already, and similar ones.

  7. Monsieur, we may observe, had completely superseded the Bumbler, just as a colonel supersedes a captain on coming up.

  8. Mrs. Rocket Larkspur and Mr. Tight-lace contend for Fine Billy's ear; but Miss Yammerton interposing with a sly whisper supersedes them both.

  9. According to the vagaries of some religious sentimentalists and fanatics, it is supposed that religion supersedes the necessity of parental government.

  10. This is one of the most valuable labor-saving machines for the binder ever invented, as it almost, if not entirely, supersedes hand sewing on what is called edition work.

  11. He, too, acknowledges the existence of God; but virtually supersedes His Providence by the substitution of "natural laws.

  12. It is nowhere declared in Scripture that Providence excludes the aid of Science, or that Prayer supersedes the diligent use of ordinary means.

  13. It neither supersedes the lessons of experience nor abjures all regard to utility; but by revealing our relation to God, it extends, and elevates, and purifies our sense of duty.

  14. The fire takes a second place and we begin with the interesting fact that supersedes it.

  15. Perhaps the answer to some one of the reader's customary questions is more interesting than the answers to the others--so much more interesting that it supersedes even the fact that there was a fire.

  16. I've got a much better plan that supersedes the old.

  17. But it passes in silence, as is meet for a moralizing philistine, that the practice silently but without compunction supersedes these barriers sanctioned officially by society.

  18. And furthermore we find at a later stage the exceptional form of polyandry which still more supersedes all sentiments of jealousy and hence is unknown to animals.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "supersedes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.