Which being cast out again superpose coals, and blowing for a long time, as at first, again uncover it, and then do as you did before.
On restoring the wire to its original place, it will be extremely flexible, and we may now superpose several contrary polarities under contrary torsions, as already described.
In a general way, measuring is a wholly human operation, which implies that we really or ideally superpose two objects one on another a certain number of times.
On this new ground philosophy ought then to follow science, in order to superpose on scientific truth a knowledge of another kind, which may be called metaphysical.
Sidenote: To superposethem adventitiously is to destroy them.
When the artssuperpose their effects the total impression belongs to none of them in particular; it is imaginative merely or in the broadest sense poetical.
To superposethem adventitiously is to destroy them.
It will come from one side of this partition to superpose itself on the hydrostatic pressure, which latter must have the same value on both sides.
There thus exists for them a world, which comes in some way to superpose itself upon the world of matter--that is to say, the world of energy, dominated in its turn by a fundamental law similar to that of Lavoisier.
To obtain the complete solution of (11) we must of course superpose the free vibration (6) with its arbitrary constants in order to obtain a complete representation of the most general motion consequent on arbitrary initial conditions.