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Example sentences for "suggestiveness"

Lexicographically close words:
suggestio; suggestion; suggestions; suggestive; suggestively; suggests; sugred; sui; suicidal; suicidally
  1. Melody alone, or suggestiveness alone, is better than ideas alone if there is to be an attempt to produce the effect of poetry.

  2. Something in his smile, in the cynical suggestiveness of his deferential tone, maddened her.

  3. A bully bit of colour," would be his craftsmanlike way of describing a twilight full of sibylline suggestiveness to the literary mind.

  4. But they have dwelt chiefly on the suggestiveness of them before the journey: these unknown names of unknown places, in types of mysteriously graduated importance--what do they stand for?

  5. An interesting thought expressed with force and suggestiveness is worth volumes of commonplaces couched in the most faultless language.

  6. The suggestiveness of words finds its specific embodiment in the so called “figures of speech.

  7. It is not an easy thing to pass from the logical precision of grammar to the vague suggestiveness of words that call up whole troops of ideas not contained in the simple idea for which a word stands.

  8. First-hand familiarity with the actors and the scenes of at least three decades is essential to give the picture the completeness, the brilliancy of colouring, and withal the suggestiveness inseparable from all true works of art.

  9. There is a peculiar suggestiveness even in the location of the Houses of the National Assembly.

  10. But whatever its trend, in the main it lies in suggestiveness rather than in definite statement.

  11. But its depth and suggestiveness vanished in the process.

  12. It has all the suggestiveness and richness of a note-book, but with much also of its fragmentariness.

  13. The suggestiveness of the environment was such that somehow and suddenly, I was a boy again.

  14. Any pilgrim like myself will have his astonishment divided between the disclosure made of his own power of recollection and of the unforeseen suggestiveness of the place, when memory faithful to her task unties her budget.

  15. No one can imagine that his portrait of the coming king possesses anything like the suggestiveness and religious meaning conveyed by the ideal which stands out so clearly from the pages of Isaiah.

  16. It must strenuously aspire to the plasticity of sculpture, to the colour of painting, and to the magic suggestiveness of music--which is the art of arts.

  17. There was a certain suggestiveness in the girl's tone which Jimmy noticed, though he did not think her father did, and he wished it had been light enough to see Anthea Merril's face; but unfortunately it was not.

  18. There was no forecastle forward to break the sweeping line of rail, and the broad quarter-deck that overhung her slender stern had also its suggestiveness to a seaman's eye.

  19. As might be expected in a country where the suggestiveness of natural forms is thus recognised, there are in Japan many curious beliefs and superstitions concerning stones.

  20. And no doubt because of the melancholy suggestiveness of its drooping branches, the willow is believed to be the favourite tree of ghosts.

  21. The Japanese artist gives you that which he feels--the mood of a season, the precise sensation of an hour and place; his work is qualified by a power of suggestiveness rarely found in the art of the West.

  22. This suggestiveness in writing will be considered later, but for the present it will be well for you to bear in mind that most language has for its purpose the exact expression of a definite idea.

  23. She sang it with a chaste reserve so full of sprightly suggestiveness that the public warmed amain.

  24. It contains incidents which recall the licence tolerated in Fielding; but the coarseness, like that of Fielding, is always on the surface, and devoid of the ulterior suggestiveness of the modern psychological novel.

  25. Just as in the pictorial art of China, so in her poetic art is suggestiveness the great end and aim of the artist.

  26. The word rang in his ears with the same sacred suggestiveness as that conveyed by the chime of bells,--surely, Love was a holy thing, .

  27. We do not know; but there is a pathetic suggestiveness in a passage in the Magna Moralia (i.

  28. In deeper suggestiveness I find as great a difference.

  29. This, the central feature of Maine's speculation, is worked out with infinite suggestiveness and great felicity of style in chapter V.

  30. My experience in Saratoga had revealed to me the want of suggestiveness and resource in men in general.

  31. I recall an incident during my visit to London on this occasion which aptly illustrates the want of suggestiveness on the part of Englishmen.

  32. Taine's English Literature remains a monument to the suggestiveness and to the dangers of his method.

  33. William James's entire discussion of the value of the hemisphere "loop-line" as a reservoir of reminiscences is of peculiar suggestiveness to the student of poetry.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suggestiveness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    fatality; impropriety; intelligibility; meaning; portent; pregnancy; significance