For when Algar followed the maid that fled before him, she getting into the towne, the gate was shut against him, and his sight also was suddenlie taken from him.
Warlewood, & after Horewood, not shewing that he meant him anie hurt, till at length he had got him within the thicke of the wood, where he suddenlie stroke him through with his dart.
About the same time that the earle of Cornewall was in his returne foorth of the holie land, new wars suddenlie arose in Wales, which happened well for king Henrie.
Now king Stephan hearing of his enimies arriuall, with all hast possible got his armie on foot, and comming suddenlie towards the place where is enimies were pitched, [Sidenote: K.
Howbeit the king comming suddenlie into the Isle, tooke it at the first assault, and exiled Baldwin out of the realme.
Oxford, where the empresse then laie, suddenlie besieged hir, before she looked for him.
The father being suddenlie reuiued out of that trance, quicklie perceiued the lacke of his crowne; and hauing knowledge that the prince his sonne had taken it awaie, [Sidenote: He is blamed of the king.
The earle of Northumberland, taking neither of them to be his freend, turned suddenlie back, and withdrew himselfe into Warkewoorth castell.
During this his last sicknesse, he caused his crowne (as some write) to be set on a pillow at his beds head, and suddenlie his pangs so sore troubled him, that he laie as though all his vitall spirits had beene from him departed.
Glamorganshire towards Worcester, and there burnt the suburbes: but hearing of the kings approch, they suddenlie returned towards Wales.
When the Frenchmen perceiued his intent, they were suddenlie amazed and ran awaie like sheepe, without order or arraie.
For after we had passed nine or ten mils thereon vp into the land, suddenlie the crosse waters stopped vs, so that we were inforced to turne either east or west, for directlie foorth right we had no waie to go.
And then the protector shewed them, that the lord chamberleine, and other of his conspiracie, had contriued to hauesuddenlie destroied him, and the duke, there the same day in the councell.
The earle of Salisburie, which knew the sleights of warlike policie, suddenlie returned, and set vpon the lord Audelie and his cheefe capteins, yer the residue of his armie could passe the water.
The Frenchmen anon as open truce-breakers, raised a crue, and suddenlie tooke the towne of saint Valerie in Normandie, neere to the mouth of the riuer of Some.
At which time the sunne (as some write) appeared to the earle of March like three sunnes, and suddenlie ioined altogither in one.
Caius Trebonius to fetch in forrage, they suddenlie brake out on euerie side, and vpon the forragers.
Winchester, where being suddenlie surprised with sicknesse, as he sat at the table with the king vpon an Easter monday; yet he liued till the Thursday following, and then died.
The king of Scots did homage vnto king Edward for the realme of Scotland, in like maner as other the kings of Scotland before him had doone to other kings of England ancestours to this king Edward.
He also made and fortified the castell of Carnaruan fast by Snowdon, and repared againe the towne of Lambaterwhir, otherwise called Abreswich, which Leolin had before beaten downe.
Sidenote: A great snow and tempest of wind in Maie.
Edward held a parlement at Glocester, in the which were certeine acts and statutes made for the wealth and good gouernment of the realme, which vnto this daie are called the statutes of Glocester.
Bruces head, in absence of hir brother the earle of Fife, to whom (being in England) soiourning at his manor of Whitwike in Leicestershire, that office of right apperteined.
Also, there were other bulles to the same effect, sent vnto the archbishop of Canturburie, and to the bishop of London.
The bishop therefore caused the said Littester to be arreigned of high treason, and condemned, and so he was drawne, hanged, and headed according to the iudgement.
This is I will not sale the diuinitie (for what heauenlinesse can there be in such damnable doctrine, to set people togither by the eares?
But the earle aduertised of their intention, suddenlie rose from supper, and got him awaie by vnknowne waies, still fleeing from the commons, till at length he got to S.
Shortlie after sir Robert Clifford, partlie trusting on the kings promise, and partlie mistrusting the desperat begun enterprise, returnedsuddenlie againe into England.
Yet he permitted some of his souldiers to go on land, which being trained foorth a pretie waie from their ships, were suddenlie compassed about and beset of the Kentishmen, and at one stroke vanquished and driuen backe to their ships.
And therefore suddenlie he caused the earle to be apprehended, and as a prisoner brought him in his companie into England.
When the king had thus setled things to his owne contentation and pleasure, there suddenlie happened to him a lamentable chance.
In this same yeere a new kind of sickenes inuaded suddenlie the people of this land, passing through the same from the one end to the other.
The man hauing thus spoken, vanished awaie suddenlie, and the king tooke his words but in sport: howbeit he woondered that he was so suddenlie gone, as he did likewise at his sudden appearing.
It was a worlds woonder to sée and marke how suddenlie these aliens were quite vanished, as though they had béene phantasmes.
Wherewith the king started suddenlie vp, and [Sidenote: The saieng of king Cnute.
But suddenlie she remembring that the duke of Buckingham was one of the first inuentors, and a secret founder of this enterprise, determined to send some personage of more estimation than hir chapleine.
And suddenlie he was by his espials ascerteined, that sir Walter Herbert, and Rice ap Thomas were in harnesse before him, readie to incounter with his armie, and to stop their passage.
The which strange vision not so suddenliestrake his heart with a sudden feare, but it stuffed his head and troubled his mind with manie busie and dreadfull imaginations.
Then suddenlie the mount opened, and out came six ladies all in crimsin sattin and plunket, embrodered with gold and pearle, with French hoods on their heads, and they dansed alone.
And after, the ladies led the knights into the castell, and then the castell suddenlie vanished out of their sights.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suddenlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.