He feels the silent yearnings and strivings of the dumb multitudes about him; he anticipates in his thought what the rest are incipiently thinking--he is the clear voice and oracle of the spirit of his age.
One that should live but under the convictions that Judas had when he hanged himself, I warrant him, would have strivingsand combats against sin in him, though he were unsanctified.
Think not that the troublesome strivings and temptations which weary you are the worst condition, or a sign of the victory of sin.
But this is nothing to the case of one that liveth in gross sin, and an ungodly life, and hath strivings and convictions, and uneffectual wishes to be better and to turn, but never doth it.
In this manner it has been discovered that the symptoms represent the equivalent for the strivings which received their strength from the source of the sexual impulse.
Between the pressure of the craving and the opposition of the sexual rejection an outlet for the disease results, which does not remove the conflict but seeks to elude it by transforming the libidinous strivings into symptoms.
Only psychoanalytic investigation can demonstrate that behind this tenderness, such as honoring and esteeming, there is concealed the old sexual strivings of the infantile partial impulses which have now become useless.
This object selection proceeds in such a manner that all the sexual strivings proceed in the direction of one person in whom they wish to attain their aim.
Touching are the accounts delivered to us of the strivings of individuals, of the anguish and self-torture which fruitlessly ground down body and soul.
Even in the amiable character that figures in the dawn of a higher life, in Ewald von Kleist, the lyrical strivings are very remarkable.
In no other branch of science is the limited grasp of our intellect more forcibly brought home to us, yet, though baffled in the effort to rise to the level of its requirements, our strivings are by no means profitless.
From eternity Thou hast been removed far above the reach and the ken of the comprehension of Thy servants, and immeasurably exalted above the strivings of Thy bondslaves to express Thy mystery.
Thou shalt deliver me from the strivings of the people: and thou shalt make me the head of the heathen.
Perhaps (as when Austen returned from the shooting of Mr. Blodgett in the West) there was a smattering of admiration and pride in that look, and something of an affection which had long ceased in its strivings for utterance.
Ah, many such strivings and prayers in those days went up from silent hearts in obscure solitudes, that wrestled and groaned under that mighty burden which Luther at last received strength to heave from the heart of the Church.
The Muscovite temperament and the Muscovite climate naturally lead to idealist strivings against the hardships of life or a dull grovelling amongst them.
May's household be so wholly exempt from the spirit of the age, that Aubrey was not aware of the strivings and trials of faith at the University.
Brief as it was, it made her more thoroughly realize his liberty, and feel that the yearning towards him in her heart was growing more and more ardent, in spite of her strivings not to let it awaken.
In the portrayal of humanstrivings and sufferings, moreover, the centre of interest shifts from the mysterious course of external events to the secrets of the human soul.
It would teach us the eternal organic strivings and tendencies of our soul, those leading in the direction of life, leading away from death.
The whole gamut of human strivings and emotions was drawn into the legend until it became the great epic of the human spirit and the main theme that has appealed to the interest of all mankind in every age.
This sense of power, this subjugation of his material, made his old foiled strivings and strivings incomprehensible, incredible!
Amid red-flashing war and wild strivings we look bravely and hopefully forward into the future, and see amid these storms blue sky rifts and golden sun gleams.
There is no denying, however, that Ibsen's doctrine is most appealing to a dramatist, whose business it is to set on the stage the strivings of the individual.
On the contrary he thought he embodied the highest wisdom concerning things in [mere] words; and, in truth, language is the first movement in allstrivings for wisdom.
Drop thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress, And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of thy peace.
And poor Mary all this while, in her simplicity, really thought she had seen traces of what she would have called ‘the strivings of the Spirit in his soul.
He who does not see a grand side to these strivings of the soul cannot understand one of the noblest capabilities of humanity.
They did all in their power to split the Bahá’í community, and in their strivings to shatter the union of the believers, they neglected nothing.
Everything that opposes the strivings of his Egoism awakens his dislike, his anger, his hate: this is the mortal enemy, which he tries to annihilate.
But there was nothing found in man's nature to afford these a footing, whereby they might have availed to guide the strivings of his volition, in face of its egoistic tendency.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strivings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.