He had given orders that the march that day would be in column of fours, and any man who straggled from that formation of column would be shot down or cut down, “by G--d.
Then from Tintaggon's marble front the sea fell backwards crying on to a broken shore, and ripple by ripple straggled back to Slid saying: "Tintaggon stands.
Lastly, the "packers" straggled in Indian file, and they were surely a sight to be viewed with mingled feelings.
The camels stood patiently within the clearing, with their long necks outstretched, and their heads moving up and down with the regularity of automatons; the horses straggled behind, gasping feebly.
Dave was again harnessed to the sleigh, and with three separate ropes attached we straggled forward on different tracks, and pulled as if for dear life.
They were passing the last of the houses that straggled along the unfashionable quarter above the railroad track.
His white hair straggled across his forehead moist and dishevelled, and his face showed flushed and perspiring against the white of the scarf.
There was quite a string of us as we straggled out in the beautiful moonlight, with only Mrs. Badger as an escort.
Solitary Yankees straggled along with the most lugubrious faces, troubling no one.
A Widow Lady, who straggled this Summer from London into my Parish for the Benefit of the Air, as she says, appears every Sunday at Church with many fashionable Extravagancies, to the great Astonishment of my Congregation.
In honour of the Black Douglas (I suppose) his usual two guardsmen were now increased to four; and the squad made an outlandish figure as they straggled after him, in straw hats, kilts and jackets.
The well-known passage had been read from Job, the prayers had been rehearsed, the grave was filled, the mourners straggled homeward.
We waited for nearly an hour, but nothing happened and we gradually straggled back to the yard.
We were dismissed for the day, and straggled back to our huts, too broken in mind and body to think or do anything except lie down and rest.
This, no doubt, was once limited to the scarped headland which rises between the two valleys, though probably it straggled down into the plain, and gradually extended along the road leading to the old bridge over the Trent.
At this the men, some forty in number, rose, fell into line and straggled up the basement steps to the main corridor.
At length the atmosphere grew heavy and a flume of languid clouds straggled up where they hung upon the distant mountain peaks, pregnant with pulsing heat lightning.
Whereupon the jury and more than half the eager spectators, who crowded the court room, having no interest other than the murder trial of Barlow, now straggled outside, disgruntled and thirsty.
As they lagged about, got their guns, and straggled out again, they all in turn had an indulgent look or a playful nudge or respectful pleasantry for "little Cap Lutts.
And as the cheery cry swelled farther and farther, the train drew out, everybody looking from the windows as the patient soldiery straggled back campward.
It was midnight before the crowds had broken up and straggledaway to their tents, but the sun of this northern land was still half over the horizon, and its dull red glow was on the waters of the lake that lay to the west of the valley.
We straggled across the half-dry marshy grass that fringed the river-bed, which here winds greatly.
A few last colliers straggled up the dim field-path.
Then Mrs. Morel got up, and the family straggled down.
Some of the fugitives were at once pursued and slain, but most of them straggled about the country, and were put to death by the people of the neighbouring towns and villages who sallied out upon them.
Below its fringe straggled a selvedge of coarse black hair.
The Italian's band, crazy with drink and easy slaying, straggled across the wide quay and had no thought of danger till the two horsemen were upon them.
Again that night the men worked in extra shifts; and the following morning the herd climbed out of the basin and straggled up a narrow trail through some foothills.
They straggled to the nearest knoll after Blackbeard had crossed it.
Behind these hardy volunteers straggled as many of the militia company as had been able to answer the sudden call, merchants, clerks, artisans, and vagabonds who seemed none too eager to meet the bloodthirsty Yemassees.
With a view to assist his plans, by any suggestion of his own, and to strengthen the temptation, he left the beech, and straggled as if without an object, to the spot where Le Renard was seated.
A few had straggled among the conquered columns, where they stalked in sullen discontent; attentive, though, as yet, passive observers of the moving multitude.
By his charge the Royalist foot was broken, and Goring's horse dispersed when it straggled back to the battle.
The survivors straggled up only to perish on the bayonets.
The young people gave a little shout of delight, andstraggled down the aisles of the vineyard.
The knot of men began to disperse, and the boys, who lingered longest, finally straggled away, stifling their regret that no one was mangled beyond recognition.
True, his hair was thinner and whiter, and his whiskers straggled a little more carelessly than in other days, but he was as young and active as a youth of twenty.
Anderson Crow followed slowly and the rest straggled after, all alert for the first sign of resistance.
They are coming to-morrow," said Rosalie long afterward, as the last of the Crows straggled off to bed.
The footmen were more tired still, and, cold and hungry, straggled more and more.
The knights and men-at-arms straggledslowly into the forest, some by the path, some elsewhere, grumbling audibly at the black work before them.
Toward the latter end of the week the wagon outfit straggled in.
Later, the men straggled from the bunkhouse, seeking the outdoors to smoke and talk.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "straggled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.