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Example sentences for "stopped suddenly"

  • Five feet away he stopped suddenly, his eyes burning into Conniston's.

  • He stopped suddenly, frowning and gnawing at his pencil.

  • He stopped suddenly, his eyes watchful upon the faces about him.

  • He stopped suddenly, in his surprise forgetting to shut his mouth.

  • The moment their heads rose above the slope, so that they could see over into the plain beyond, the younger and the stouter man stopped suddenly, with a look of some alarm, as if the moving mass of soldiery had been close to him.

  • What it was he saw in me, I do not know; but the instant he beheld me he stopped suddenly, and seemed to reel as if he were going to fall.

  • One evening, when he was in the midst of eating a thick slice of bread and butter which Alice had given him, he stopped suddenly, and, looking at her, was overcome with remorse at the thought that he was eating her meal.

  • Once or twice I saw Darnley look over his shoulder as though calculating the distance between us, so that I was not much surprised when he stopped suddenly, and aimed his undischarged pistol at my head.

  • He stopped suddenly: "No money to any one?

  • He stopped suddenly, and his outstretched arm fell to his side.

  • Mr. Fanning burst out into a loud laugh, stopped suddenly, sat down, and took Nick on his knee.

  • He took a turn up and down the room, stopped suddenly, and stared at her with eyes that had grown smaller.

  • Dear Gretchen," said Fabian, meekly, and then he stopped suddenly.

  • Waldemar, who had already risen to go, stopped suddenly as if rooted to the spot.

  • When we had reached the bottom of the gorge I stopped suddenly.

  • In the hall he stopped suddenly, arrested by the sound of a woman's voice.

  • Presently he stopped suddenly, with his elbow leaning upon the corner of the mantel-piece, opposite Margaret, and looked down at the girl's thoughtful face.

  • If--" he stopped suddenly, and the triumphant grin upon his face changed to a thoughtful expression.

  • The door of Miss Dunbar's morning-room was open: and upon the broad landing-place outside the apartment the banker stopped suddenly, and laid his hand upon the gilded balustrade.

  • As Ethan was taking his place by Mrs. Gano, he stopped suddenly, catching sight of the preternaturally tall silver coffee-pot, and made obeisance.

  • And so he went on, following the little path that bordered the woods on one hand and the fields on the other; went on until he neared the village--and then he stopped suddenly, and turned about.

  • I--" He stopped suddenly, as Helena lifted her hand to her face.

  • I wish we could----" He stopped suddenly.

  • Then he stopped suddenly, for he saw a young girl sitting on the shingle with her back to the breakwater.

  • He stopped suddenly, and Leslie following his eyes, would have broken from him, for two persons had entered, Lucy and Ralph Duncombe, but Yorke still held her.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stopped suddenly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another order; bill black; college students; dense clusters; eight times; epidemic form; further remarks; going thither; good boy; heavy snow; like wise; locomotive power; natural religion; peace treaty; pleasant evening; public road; reign over; sans peur; save only; should consider; stopped abruptly; stopped again; stopped and; stopped before; stopped short; stopped suddenly