While we blame and stigmatise these crimes with reason, the horrified intellect seeks an explanation and a moral excuse (nothing more) for such odious acts.
It is begging the question to stigmatise their inborn desire as selfish.
He rarely failed to stigmatise as futile nonsense the highly-esteemed studies of the Nicolaites.
Claudite jam rivos, pueri; sat prata biberunt I have too much work before me to amuse myself in a way which many people will stigmatise as frivolous.
The philosophers of the moment may laugh at me; I am quite contented for them to regard me as a dullard, besotted by what they choose to stigmatise as prejudice.
Not improbably he will stigmatise it as an act of officious hypocrisy.
It was quite in keeping with his leading idea, and his hatred of works, that he should stigmatise the whole outward structure of the Christian life known hitherto as a mere “service of imposture.
I should fear he might even stigmatise imagination as a figment, and delicacy as an affectation.
You do yourself less than justice when you stigmatise the latter as "ill-written.
He had congratulated the House that it had not been contaminated by the presence of so base a creature, and he had said that he would not pause tostigmatise the meanness of the application for money which Lopez had made.
Thus we can see that not the spirit of cruelty but martial honour was the motive of committing seppuku, and it would be unfair to stigmatise the Japanese as a cruel people because of the practice.
Clement-Thomas took advantage of this leisure time to disband and stigmatise the tirailleurs of Belleville, who had, however, had many dead and wounded in their ranks.
Louis Blanc, who in 1877 was to defend the red flag, wrote to the Figaro to stigmatise the vanquished, to bow down before their judges, and declare "the public indignation legitimate.
In the mouth of an Episcopalian, Whig meant a Presbyterian, while a moderate Presbyterian used the word to stigmatise those extremists whose doctrine was made white-hot by the perfervidum ingenium natural to this nation.
Since then, Perth has not wanted Fair Maids; but in our time the title has sometimes had a satiric tang as implying what the French stigmatise as une rosse.
For killing unarmed men he does not stigmatise them as savages, but as murderers, which name has clung to the spot and to the transaction to this day.
When a violation of treaties or an unjust aggression took place there was thus found a body of men who would stigmatise or at least recognise it as such.
And who art thou to stigmatise as baseness what so many men as good as thee hold fit and good?
These effusions stigmatise the measures of the three last parliaments, dwelling especially on their arbitrary illegal votes against the personal liberty of the subject.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stigmatise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.