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Example sentences for "stayes"

Lexicographically close words:
staw; stay; stayd; staye; stayed; stayest; stayeth; stayin; staying; stayne
  1. Went out and saw Blayswoode,[507] Woodsyde and Montbodo its house wheir stayes my fathers old landlady.

  2. My fires have driven, thine have drawne it hence; And I am rob'd of Picture, Heart, and Sense.

  3. Hearke, I am call'd: my little Spirit see Sits in Foggy cloud, and stayes for me.

  4. I speake not this in estimation, As what I thinke might be, but what I know Is ruminated, plotted, and set downe, And onely stayes but to behold the face Of that occasion that shall bring it on Hot.

  5. If thou wert nere a lewd interpreter: But come, Ile tell thee all my whole deuice When I am in my coach, which stayes for vs At the Parke gate; and therefore haste away, For we must measure twentie miles to day.

  6. Within the infant rind of this weake flower, Poyson hath residence, and medicine power: For this being smelt, with that part cheares each part, Being tasted stayes all sences with the heart.

  7. Please it your Grace, there is a Messenger That stayes to beare my Letters to my friends, And I am going to deliuer them Duk.

  8. Nay come I pray you sir, giue me the Chaine: Both winde and tide stayes for this Gentleman, And I too blame haue held him heere too long Anti.

  9. My Lord, heere stayes without A Messenger with Letters from the Doctor, New come from Padua Du.

  10. The Duke of Norfolke, sprightfully and bold, Stayes but the summons of the Appealants Trumpet Au.

  11. I wonder he stayes from us: How now Leontius, where's my son?

  12. The rest stayes for faire weather to come to our journey's ende.

  13. We made severall stayes the day by reason of the severall encounters of their people that came from villages, as warrs others from fishing and shooting.

  14. He hunts not fish, but as an officer, Stayes in his court, at his owne net.

  15. My Lord, the Army stayes vpon your presence.

  16. Stay Gloster stay, and I will go with thee, The day my friends, and all things stayes for me.

  17. This Nurse of Ninety never stayes with me but I'de as live have been Rid by a Night-Mare.

  18. All the gentlemen collected at Stayes were not smokers and some of them had gone to bed.

  19. He foresaw that the proprietors of Stayes would do him very well.

  20. It occurred to him that if houses without supernatural pretensions could look so wicked at night, the old corridors of Stayes would certainly give him a sensation.

  21. He had been at Eton with his son, and he used to come to Stayes in his holidays.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stayes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.