In starless night A serious passion streams the heaven with light.
Then are you strange to me and sweet as light Or dew; as strange and dark as starless night.
A great wrong's done when such as these go forth Into the starless dark, broken and bruised, With mind and sweet affection all confused, And horror closing round them as they go.
The starless night and her dark dress alike sheltered the spy from observation.
No one thought any more of the uncourtly guest, who had come in like a shadow and vanished again into the starless night.
It was a warm and starless night, black as the pit.
And when Death's starless night gathers o'er me, Beam brighter than ever adown on my gaze, And light the dark valley before me.
The wintry clouds were hanging From the starless sky so low, While 'neath them earth lay folded In a winding shroud of snow.
The sunniest days are shortest; darkness tells The starless story of the night that dwells In lone and last farewells.
In the sweetest of your pleasures there was bitterest alloy, And a starless night hath followed on the sunset of your joy.
How long shall the Celt chant the sad song of hope, That a sunrise may break on the long starless night of our past?
The moon was full and broad in the dark blue starless sky, and the broken ground of the heath looked wild enough in the mysterious light to be hundreds of miles away from the great city that lay beneath it.
It shone out with dazzling brightness against the murky, starless sky.
You heard the roaring of the mighty blast, The groaning trees uprooted as it pass'd The wrath and madness of the starless rill, Swell'd by each torrent rushing from the hill.
If there were but one nebula, it would be a curious coincidence were this one nebula so placed in the distant regions of space as to agree in direction with a starless spot in our sidereal system!
The existence in some of the richest regions of the universe of absolutely black, starless gaps, deeps, or holes, as if one were looking out of a window into the murkiest night.
Out of the starless night of the Uncreated, that was before the stars, a soul begins to grope back to light.
These years were the starlessmidnight of our race.
For lifted clear and still and strange From the dark woven flow of change Under a vast and starless sky I saw the immortal moment lie.
For instance, there is a cleft running for a good distance along its length, and there is also a starless gap in its southern portion.
Eventually, indeed, as Professor Newcomb points out, the stars will have separated so far from each other that each will be left by itself in the midst of a black and starless sky.
She lay outstretched, her glorious face upturned to the starless skies, her tired hands far apart over the sides of the boat.
The blazing branches illuminated the starless summer night, and cast a superb glow over the beautiful half-clothed figure crouching not far from them.
A starless sky lay over the silent town, there was a slight rustle in the trees of the park, they could hear somewhere or other the noise of a rolling carriage as it drove away into the distance.
The dark sky lay starless over the grey road and the haze-breathing fields that stretched on both sides towards the deceptive distance of the wooded hills.
With the horror and the burden of the starless land far off, we lift up our eyes again to see the stars, and our souls are ready for the purifying sufferings of Purgatory.
His strolling out through the grounds, with a young lady for sole companion, even upon a starless night, is not considered outre--certainly not a thing for scandal.
It was in the night; a night starless and calm, and of course favourable to the eavesdroppers.