Amidst all this aqueous inferno, this slippery-sloppery, filth-bespattering inferno, a spotlessly clean apparition in blue without either waterproof or umbrella.
She turned a complete circle, taking in with one sweeping glance the heavy walnut furniture, dark and uninviting against the ugly wallpaper and the equally ugly though spotlessly clean carpet; then threw out both hands despairingly.
The furniture in it was very old and very worn, but everything was spotlessly clean.
But the sight of the bedroom he was to occupy, furnished with such furniture and such a bed, all spotlesslyclean and polished, sent him into the seventh heaven of delight.
Once upon a time a spotlessly clean little square octavo volume of Terence, printed in italics, caught his eye upon a bookstall.
The dishes were all away, the oil-cloth covered table was wiped spotlessly clean and the shining milkpans were laid out upon it.
Spotlessly white it was, and once upon a time she was so attractive to him because she was so exquisitely scrupulous!
FN#570] As most of its towns are white, Tunis is called The Burnous of the Prophet, in allusion to the fact that Mohammed always wore a spotlessly white burnous.
She led the way across the hall to the room on the opposite side; a large, well-appointed, andspotlessly neat kitchen.
Once they went to a quilting at Squire Dennison's; the house was spotlessly neat and well-ordered; the people all kind; but Ellen thought they did not seem to know how to be pleasant.
Everything was spotlessly clean, from the half-dozen servants, who greeted him respectfully as he arrived, to the shining floor of the rooms, on the dark wood of which a mirrorlike polish had been scrubbed.
His ducks were spotlessly white, and the pipe-clay on his canvas shoes evidently just dry.
She was dressed and down before seven--her shabby cashmere gown carefully brushed, her splendid hair neatly arranged, her linen collar and cuffs spotlessly clean.
The floor was covered with a coarse, substantial matting, spotlessly clean.
He does not care if the day coach he is riding in on a train is ugly and often dirty; it is nothing to him if the locomotive is not spotlessly clean as long as it draws him along.
Then came a wonderful procession of gentlemen wearing spotlessly white breeches, white blazers edged with purple, straw hats with a purple band and parasols made of purple and white cloth.
The decks were scrubbed spotlessly clean, and everything was neat and tidy as on board a man-of-war, contrary to all usual notions of the condition of a whaler.
The same false economy had prevailed with regard to paint and varnish, so that the vessel, while spotlessly clean, presented a worn-out weather-beaten appearance.
They followed her into a spotlessly clean and tidy kitchen.
The kitchen wasspotlessly clean, the grate shining with blacklead.
Presently Tom joined them and invited them to dinner in the crudely furnished but spotlessly clean living-room of the cabin.
It was spotlessly clean, and as neat as a new pin, and to a child who had spent the greater part of her life in a dirty, untidy caravan, this was a sign of superiority, even of luxury.
It was spotlessly clean, and sweet with the smell of the straw which was scattered about one end of it.
Furthermore, in dirty and dusty riding-clothes one has not the heart to lie down on spotlessly clean sheets.
The barrack rooms are spotlessly clean, and the order and neatness unsurpassed, which, together with the smart drilling and superb physique of the soldiers, would delight the heart of the severest martinet.
All are pure white, spotlessly clean, and you couldn't find a dark hair or feather if you tried to do so.
It was almost her boast now--remember the sunken headstones--that she had handled spotlessly every fair young star of the theaters' last ten years.
She wears a white rag around her head and is always spotlessly clean.
His sister was the chamber-maid and kept the house spotlessly clean.
Margaret's house was spotlessly clean, her furniture of the golden oak type was polished, and the table cover and sideboard scarfs were beautifully laundered.
It is the King's wish that all travellers shall arrive at His gates with spotlessly clean clothes.
The tiny kitchen was in perfect order, and looked spotlessly clean.
The whole house was spotlessly clean, and its aspect was prim and sober, as was indeed that of the whole city.
The place looked pleasant to the wearied, travellers, for it was spotlessly clean, and it afforded shelter from the keen night air.
The house was a hive of industry and religious fervour; everything about it was neat and spotlessly clean.
A horse and his rider, as spotlessly white and gleaming as the snow on the distant mountaintops, moving toward them as swift as the wind and in supernatural silence.
It was noticeable that the porch was spotlessly clean and that none of the idlers profaned its cleanliness by so much as one expectoration of tobacco juice, though all were either smoking or chewing that weed.
The wards are spotlessly clean, filled with rows and rows of beds, also spotlessly clean.
But when at last he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a spotlessly clean white bed for the first time in months.