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Example sentences for "splain"

Lexicographically close words:
spitted; spitting; spittle; spittoon; spittoons; splained; splanchnic; splash; splashed; splashes
  1. Ain't you nevah set an' listened At a body 'splain his min'?

  2. I's gwine 'splain how it am managed on Massa Haley's plantation.

  3. So massa say to dat Delbridge, 'Dere am no words can 'splain what yous done.

  4. I wants to 'splain it clearly, so yous can understand.

  5. And do you quite understand, or shall I 'splain again?

  6. You don' give a ol' man time to splain hisse'f.

  7. John can 'splain anything," put in The Seraph.

  8. It was such a funny speech, and you tried to 'splain it to me, and I tried to understand.

  9. But there, why should I blame Mrs. Scott, for I asked her to 'splain what a curse was.

  10. And I drap in, major, ter 'splain ter you dat I'se gwine ter gently draw outen politics, yassah.

  11. Splain to him dat we 'se a real quality family, an' regularly accustomed to de finest ob plate, till de Hessians depredated it.

  12. Lemme see how I kin 'splain ter yer who Peter is," scratching her head under the bandana.

  13. I'll 'splain ever'thing as soon as we get to your rooms," promised Dorothy.

  14. This Mr. Splain and the man with the beard are the same, exactly the same.

  15. I then ran over to New York and got the Splain story.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "splain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.