Those who have tasted its joys say there is no sport in these islands equal to that of spearing eels in the Coquet, with Border shepherds for company.
Some passing hunters saw some wild geese near the mouth of the river, at Lake Winnipeg, and others who were out spearing muskrats said that they heard flocks of them passing over during the night.
A few blows with the axes knocked the house to pieces, and then there was quick work in spearing the almost helpless animals.
I learned from him that he was an attorney from a town at some distance, and was come over to Machynlleth to the petty sessions, to be held that day, in order to defend a person accused of spearing a salmon in the river.
The Esquimaux manner of spearing salmon and trout.
The spearing of salmon, by the way, is restricted by law to the Indians, and any white man who undertakes it is liable to a fine.
Their hearts were so set on the salmon-spearing that for them the time went slowly enough till night brought the four Indians with their torches and spears.
At different periods, Mr. Threlkeld erected huts, but in these they could not be induced to live, alleging the accumulation of vermin and the fear of other natives coming in the night and spearing them without a possibility of escape.
Passed a number of men wading in the water up to their necks, and spearing the ground with poles armed with a single barbed spike.
Went out spearing fish, but found it difficult in consequence of the allowance necessary for the refraction of the water and the movement of the fish.
Here we found several tents of Northern Indians, who had been some time employed spearing deer in their canoes, as they crossed the above mentioned little river.
Indians spearing hundreds in water; migration; havoc by wolves; Caribou-eater Chipewyans).
The crang of a carbine suddenly spearing aloft from down the gorge caused him to halt on the great rock at the brink of the village.
Again, from the boulder, uprose the steely cry, mournful as a wail sent spearing aloft from Purgatory.
We shall say," explained Roddy, "that we have been out spearing eels, and I suggest that we now go to the Dos Hermanos and say it.
Illustration: Glooskap and Keanke spearing the whale] Now, having come to Pulewech Munegoo, the lord of men and beasts was entertained by Kitpooseagunow.
The latter is taken by hooks in freshwater lakes, and the former by spearing in the shoal water of certain inlets of the sea.
Her proceedings excited the feelings of the men, and at last Moon-dee, the most violent of them, was on the point of spearing one of the wives of the deceased, but he was withheld by some of the women.
I myself have seen Indians spearing them, or shooting them with bows and arrows.
An Indian who was spearing fish from a canoe stared his astonishment.
The next principal mode of procuring fish is by spearing them, and even this is performed in a variety of ways, according to the season of the year, the description of fish to be taken, and the peculiarities of the place where they are found.
On the Murray river, or amongst the Adelaide natives I am not aware that any stated punishments are affixed to specific crimes, except that of spearing in the arm to expiate deaths.
Children and young people are buried as soon as practicable after death, and a spearing match generally ensues.
The fourth day, Crane was spearing tadpoles for dinner when Humming Bird caught up with him.
The Rivermen have the same complaint, and I may recommend that they should try spearing sting-rays, things that run sometimes to six feet across the wings, and every inch of them wicked, particularly the tail.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spearing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.