But thou speakest falsely as thou wilt find, if thou thinkest to prove thy words by force of arms, and deemest that thou wilt not find me in the field!
Thou speakest of the victims done to death within yon gloomy walls.
How comes it that thou, being, as it seems, a native of these parts, speakest so well a strange language?
Sir Knight," said Sir Turquine, "thou speakest very boldly; now I pray thee to tell me what knight thou art and what is thy name.
Then King Angus said: "Thou speakest in a very foolish way, for how could a single knight hope to defend himself against my whole household?
Thus it is, Croisette, that I have no lady for to serve in the manner thou speakest of.
Then Sir Percival was very sorry for the tears he saw shining upon the Lady Blanchefleur's face, wherefore he said: "Lady, I have great hopes that this affair may never reach to that woful extremity thou speakest of.
Speak not thus of the Genii, Christian," answered the Saracen, "for know thou speakest to one whose line and nation drew their origin from the immortal race which your sect fear and blaspheme.
Saracen," replied the Crusader, "thou speakest like one who never saw a woman worthy the affection of a soldier.
Tell me at once, and as a true man, whether this sublime lady of whom thou speakest be other than the houri with whose assistance I beheld thee sweeping the chapel at Engaddi?
My brother," answered the Arab sage, with imperturbable gravity, "thou speakest as one of the foolish.
The Apostles had not been always so assured; we find them in the Gospels impatient for clearer statements and more decisive signs: "Now speakest thou plainly and speakest no parable" they regard as high praise.
As soon as our Lord had ended the parable of the Sower "The disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?
And Peter said, Lord, speakestthou this parable unto us, or even unto all?
Thou speakest true, Jacopo," returned the noble, suffering the point of his rapier to fall from before the breast of the Bravo, though he still hesitated to withdraw the weapon.
But I have heard that thou hast reason for discontent, and that thou speakest openly, on the Lido and among the islands, of affairs that the patricians like not to be stirred among men of your class.
Thou speakest of proofs of the hand that gave it, in the manner of the blow, and then thou callest in the aid of the canals to cover the whole deed.
Dost thou take me for a jeweller of the Rialto that thou speakest to me of rings?
Who hath injured thee, worthy fisherman, that thou speakest so boldly beneath the very windows of the Doge?
Thou speakest as if we were to meet no more, worthy Jacopo!
But this moment he was without hope, and thou speakest now of liberation!
Then said the king, "Thou speakest strangely: my bridge is made of lime and stone, and containeth in quality more than half a mile; how should I then bear with me my bridge?
Faustus spake again to his spirit, saying, "Thou speakest of wonderful things: I pray thee now tell me what kingdoms are there in your hell?
So, son, the risk whereof thou speakest groweth the lesser the longer it is looked on.
Herein thou speakest as if from my very soul, and fain am I of such a War-leader.
Then said Ægisthus, "Thou speakest well: if the Queen be within the palace, bid her come.
Now thou speakest well; be ever as wise; so shalt thou keep thy foot out of trouble.
Speakest thou of trouble greater than that which I now endure?
And when his disciples came, they said to him, Why speakest thou to them in parables?
Then said Peter unto him, Lord, speakestthou this parable to us, or also for all?
Then will I now try thee," said she, "whether indeed thou speakest the truth or no.
If thouspeakest the truth, in a mystery speakest thou it," said he.
I follow thee," she answered him, "because thou speakest the truth, and because thou art not true.
If thou speakest thus to me much more, Ahab's purpose keels up in him.
And now I beseech thee in thy father's name to tell me: for I deem not that I am come to clear-seen Ithaca, but I roam over some other land, and methinks that thou speakest thus to mock me and beguile my mind.
Then Odysseus of many counsels answered him saying: 'I mark, I heed: all this thouspeakest to one with understanding.
Then the steadfast goodly Odysseus answered him, saying: 'I mark, I heed, all this thou speakest to one with understanding.
Yet herein, methinks, thou speakest not aright, and never shalt thou persuade me with the tale about Odysseus; why should one in thy plight lie vainly?
Then didst thou make answer, swineherd Eumaeus: 'I mark, I heed, all this thou speakestto one with understanding.
Sure the words that thouspeakest come not from thine heart,' answered Dermat, 'for it is in thy power to heal me, and that thou knowest full well.
O villain, how ungrateful art thou that seest thyself raised from the dust of the earth to be a nobleman, and speakest evil of her who gives thee such honours!
Thou speakest of flesh within thee crying out To flesh against the spirit--warfare strange Of elements that dwell in me at one.
Thou speakest idly," Lazarus said to Saul; "Prison and death no terrors have for me.
If it be thine," rejoined the cauzee, "describe to me what it contains, when I shall be satisfied that thou speakest the truth.
Then Gizur the white said-- "Thou speakest well, Snorri, and thou behavest ever most like a chief when most lies at stake.
I know," said Skarphedinn, "that thou speakest at me, but it does not go in the same way as to luck with me and thee.
Thou speakest nothing but what is law," says Mord, "though it is hard to abide by it.
Thou speakest well, Bjarni," said Eyjolf; "but I think that I have small share in all this that thou sayest.
Thou speakest of what thou mayest always be forgiven for asking, for help in the blood-feud after such connections as thou hadst.
Fie on thee, said Lucius, thou speakest cowardly, for thy words grieve me more than all the loss that I had this day.
Thou art a marvellous man, said king Mark unto Merlin, that speakest of such marvels, thou art a rude man and an unlikely to tell of such deeds; what is thy name?
Wit you well, said that knight, thou speakest over large, though thou seemest me to have at advantage, because thou sawest me do battle but late.
Then said Gawaine, Thou vauntest thee greatly, and speakest proud words; I counsel thee for all thy boast that thou make thee ready, and take thy gear to thee, tofore greater grief fall to thee.
Thou reprovest him by words, who is not equal to thee, and thou speakest that which is not good for thee.
His disciples say to him: Behold, now thou speakest plainly and speakest no proverb.
And he said: If I have found grace before thee, give me a sign that it is thou that speakest to me: 6:18.
Pilate therefore saith to him: Speakestthou not to me?
And they asked him, saying: Master, we know that thou speakest and teachest rightly: and thou dost not respect any person, but teachest the way of God in truth.
And taking him, they brought him to the Areopagus, saying: May we know what this new doctrine is, which thou speakest of?
And his disciples came and said to him: Why speakest thou to them in parables?
Then the king said to him: Why speakest thou any more?
Fabius said smilingly, Indeed thou speakest truth, for hadst thou not lost it, I should never have retaken it.
On my soul, quoth the king, in the first thou speakest like a true man; and in the latter like a kinsman.
Thou speakest riddles, old man; or thou dost hug the very spectres of thy brain, which men call madness.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speakest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.