And indeed such only are endangered thereby, for the charms of that art ordinarily affect not those that are downright sots and naturally incapable of learning.
Now wine, blunting rather than sharpening many of these passions, doth not make them sots and foolish, but simple and ingenuous; not negligent of what is profitable, but desirous of what is good and honest.
Pray, why is it that people say that men are not such sots nowadays as they were in the days of yore?
We drifts from one drink-shop to the other, arm in arm, as peaceful an' pleased a pair of sots as ever disturbs the better element.
I never seed it beat; if he onct sots them black eyes on our hulking carcasses he’ll get us yit,” muttered my guide, enthusiastically.
He sends the chills down my backbone every time i sots my eyes on him.
So fur's I've got any means ter tell, ye mout be independent rich or ye mout not hev nothin' only ther shirt an' pants ye sots thar in .
The fraternity of the Rosy-crucians is very like the sect of the ancient Gnostici, who called them selves so from the excellent learning they pretended to, although they were really the most ridiculous sots of mankind.
But that which does them greatest harm, Their spiritual gizzards are too warm, Which puts the over-heated sots In fevers still, like other goats.
With what terms of respect knaves and sots will speak of their own fraternity!
Bankrupts or sots who have gambled or slept away their estates.
Let warldly minds themselves oppress Wi' fears of want and double cess, And sullen sots themselves distress Wi' keeping up decorum: Shall we sae sour and sulky sit?
Les sots depuis Adam sont en majorité=--Ever since Adam's time fools have been in the majority.
Il n'y a de sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit=--There are no fools so unsufferable as those who have wit.
With what terms of respect knaves and sots will speak of their own fraternity!
Bankrupts or sotswho have gambled or slept away their estates.
Every sign That calls the staring sots to nasty wine.
With what terms of respect knaves and sots will speak of their own fraternity!
Its most celebrated author was Gringore, and his Sotie, which forms part of Le Jeu du Prince des Sots et Mere Sotte, is still the typical example of the kind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.