Penwortham was certainly not the caput of a large soke in Saxon times, as it was only a berewick of Blackburn, in which hundred it lay.
Bourn was the centre of a largesoke in Anglo-Saxon times.
Alvington was not the centre of a large soke in the Confessor's time, so it is unlikely that there was any fortification there in Saxon days.
Our present concern is that they are not simply arranged into the manor of Rothley as usual, but are distinguished as forming the soke of this manor.
A good example of this institution is given by Mr. Clark's publication on the Soke of Rothley in Lincolnshire[846].
In order to get rid of the inconveniences consequent upon such mixed ownership, Abbot William of Tyso bought a charter from King John, granting to the Abbey all the soke of Stoneleigh[193].
The case of Rothley is especially interesting because the men of the soke or under the soke do not go to a court of their own, but simply join the manorial meetings.
The free men under soke in the east of England have best kept the tradition, but even their right is often treated as a mere variation of ancient demesne[411].
Inquest of the hundred of Hirstingstan, Hunts): dicunt etiam quod homines ejusdem soke rescusserunt aueria que El.
The soke and ward of Aldgate was then bounded as I have before showed.
The Inner Soke is identical with the present ward of Aldgate, but there is no record to show that the priory was represented in the Court of Aldermen for this ward, as they were afterwards for their Outer Soken.
Priory of the Holy Trinity, along with the soke and franchise of the ward.
Not a few of the 'hundreds' were in private hands, and, apart from hundredal jurisdiction, a lord might have and often had sake and soke over his own lands.
He was under soke and under commendation; commended it may be to one lord, rendering soke to another.
This seems to suppose that it is a common thing for a man to have sake and soke over his land.
Sometimes a lord seems to have sokeonly over his own demesne lands[392]; in this case the wites that will come to him will be few.
The law seems as yet, if we may so speak, unconscious of the fact that underneath or beside the hundredal soke a new soke is growing up.
And so of certain 'free men' in Norfolk it is said that 'their soke is in the hundred for the third penny[389].
In the first place, as already said, sokeis frequently contrasted with commendation.
Other parishes have once been in the Soke of Horncastle, which no longer belong to it.
The extensive woods in the soke of Horncastle abounded in game, as we have already shown by the tolls charged on roebuck, hares, &c.
The name of Tibetot may possibly still survive in the family of Tibbot, who till quite recently held the manor of Thimbleby in the soke of Horncastle.
By 1812 these operations were completed; and in that year an Act was passed making these lands parochial, and assigning the two portions above named to the Soke of Horncastle.
Deriving their name from the parish of Thimbleby, in the soke of Horncastle, we find the first mention of a Thymelby in that parish in a post mortem Inquisition of the reign of Edward III.
This parish, like High Toynton and West Ashby, is in the soke of Horncastle.
Domesday Book, describing the soke of the Manor of Horncastle, says “In Morebi there are 3 carucates of land (or about 360 acres).
Be kerful how yu soke yure makrel, too mutch sokeing, takes the wear out ov them.
Tew kure the bight ov a krab, soke the krab's feet in bileing hot water.
The Fitzwalters are said to have come over with the Conqueror, and to have been invested with the soke before mentioned by his favour and in requital of their services.
In connection with this soke Robert held the hereditary office of Standard-Bearer of the city, the duties of which will be stated further on.
The rights and privileges attaching to his soke and to his official position in time of peace were considerable, to judge from a claim to them put forward by his grandson in the year 1303.
And on that land of which Harold had the soke there are 15 burgesses and 17 empty messuages which are in the occupation of the castle.
And further the same Robert holds 4 hides and a half which one freeman held at this manor in the time of King Edward; the freeman held also a soke of 30 acres, rendering custom; and now John son of Galeram holds it.
Of these 6 freemen and a half the soke was in the King's [manor of] Buckenham in the time of King Edward, and afterwards, until William de Warenne had it.
In 1279, goldsmith William Farrington bought the soke of the ward containing the goldsmiths' shops.
Your letter about Soke Assa was received, and sent home to government ages ago.
This was the prison of the Soke belonging to the Bishop of Winchester, and in ancient times the stocks stood just outside.
Crossing Soke Bridge and passing Water Lane I came, on the same side, to St. John’s Street.
There are some old registers belonging to this church which record the burials of men killed in the Soke (across the bridge), fighting with the Roundheads in the days of Cromwell.
The bailiff of the Soke was sometimes called the Mayor of the Soketo emphasize his independence.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.