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Example sentences for "sodium hydroxide"

  • A sodium hydroxide solution (made from solid NaOH which has been exposed to the air) was titrated against a standard acid using methyl orange as an indicator, and was found to be exactly 0.

  • Weigh out, upon a rough balance, 23 grams of sodium hydroxide (Note 2).

  • Sodium hydroxide is used in these cases in a saturated solution.

  • Weak solutions of other chemicals such as lysol, acetic acid, and potassium or sodium hydroxide, employed as a wet dressing, are also capable of producing gangrene.

  • Sodium hydroxide, up to a saturated strength, or an ointment of salicylic acid, 5 per cent.

  • A lamp chimney is filled with sticks of the compound known as sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and suspended from the beam of the balance, as shown in Fig.

  • If the concentrations of the two solutions are known, it is easy to calculate what weight of sodium hydroxide is required to neutralize a given weight of sulphuric acid.

  • By extension, a solution of sodium hydroxide.

  • If the decomposed soap solution is colorless with phenolphthalein, free fatty acids are present, which may be quickly determined with alcoholic N/10 sodium hydroxide.

  • Baume) solution of sodium hydroxide, together with 30-40 cubic centimeters of alcohol, denatured alcohol will do, are added and the mass heated until saponified.

  • Such, for example, is the water entering into the so-called caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (see note 71).

  • It is sometimes possible to distend or swell the flesh by utilizing a 1- to 3-percent solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as caustic potash.

  • It is also suggested that the fingerprint examiner wear rubber gloves when using acetone, benzine, xylene, formaldehyde, potassium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide.

  • This point of caution is made because of the reaction of the potassium or sodium hydroxide, which is actually one of destruction.

  • N/10 sodium hydroxide to 50 cubic centimetres of sea-water).

  • Soda lye, a lye consisting essentially of a solution of sodium hydroxide, used in soap making.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sodium hydroxide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are made; beaten whites; come upstairs; considerable distance; general election; have made; her shoulders; inscribed stones; life cannot; lofty hill; proceeded down the river; return home; sodium bicarbonate; sodium carbonate; sodium chloride; sodium hydroxide; sodium nitrate; sodium phosphate; sodium salicylate; sodium sulphate; soft palate; stone house; teaspoonful each; this rule; whilst speaking; with others