A sodium hydroxide solution (made from solid NaOH which has been exposed to the air) was titrated against a standard acid using methyl orange as an indicator, and was found to be exactly 0.
Sodium hydroxide is used in these cases in a saturated solution.
Weak solutions of other chemicals such as lysol, acetic acid, and potassium or sodium hydroxide, employed as a wet dressing, are also capable of producing gangrene.
Sodium hydroxide, up to a saturated strength, or an ointment of salicylic acid, 5 per cent.
A lamp chimney is filled with sticks of the compound known as sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), and suspended from the beam of the balance, as shown in Fig.
If the concentrations of the two solutions are known, it is easy to calculate what weight of sodium hydroxide is required to neutralize a given weight of sulphuric acid.
If the decomposed soap solution is colorless with phenolphthalein, free fatty acids are present, which may be quickly determined with alcoholic N/10 sodium hydroxide.
Baume) solution of sodium hydroxide, together with 30-40 cubic centimeters of alcohol, denatured alcohol will do, are added and the mass heated until saponified.
Such, for example, is the water entering into the so-called caustic soda or sodium hydroxide (see note 71).
It is sometimes possible to distend or swell the flesh by utilizing a 1- to 3-percent solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as caustic potash.
It is also suggested that the fingerprint examiner wear rubber gloves when using acetone, benzine, xylene, formaldehyde, potassium hydroxide, or sodium hydroxide.
This point of caution is made because of the reaction of the potassium or sodium hydroxide, which is actually one of destruction.
Soda lye, a lye consisting essentially of a solution of sodium hydroxide, used in soap making.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sodium hydroxide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.