Carriages, with servants in snobby coats, beset the doors of the theatre.
Snobby Price, beaming sanctimoniously, and Jenny Hill, with a tambourine full of coppers, come from the shelter and go to the drum, on which Jenny begins to count the money.
Snobby goes back into the shelter, followed by Barbara].
The coin fascinates Snobby Price, who takes an early opportunity of dropping his cap on it].
I'll see somebody struck by lightnin, or hear a voice sayin "Snobby Price: where will you spend eternity?
BILL [beginning to chuckle] Tell us, ole man, wot o'clock this morrun was it wen im as they call Snobby Prawce was sived?
Consequently I'm Snobby and you're Rummy because Bill and Sally wasn't good enough for our parents.