Tworn was calibrating his weapon by slugginghimself experimentally on the leg.
Even if he did not intend it, some time, when he was slugging a scab, the scab would fracture his skull on a stone curbing or a cement sidewalk.
First," she commenced, "no more slugging of scabs.
When he went out to smoke Mrs. Mortimer led Saxon into talking about herself and Billy, and betrayed not the slightest shock when she learned of his prizefighting and scab-slugging proclivities.
They depended a great deal on their slugging abilities, and declared that no pitcher the Scranton players might offer could resist their terrific onslaught.
There are a few little things that had ought to be straightened out before we hit that slugging nine over in Belleville.
Horatio Juggins was an elongated chap whose specialty, besides capturing balloon fliers out in right field with wonderful celerity, consisted in great throwing to the home plate, and also some slugging when at bat.
If I don't give some of those fellows the slugging of their lives, my name isn't Richard Percival.
He grew a peculiar ability for self-glorification and for slugging the other man.
Slugging may ensue and may go to the limit of a weak government's toleration.
All slugging is inherently criminal and should be always and everywhere repressed.
When Norton told them that Hollis had already begun the fight by slugging Dunlavey and Yuma Ed, the enthusiasm of the four men was unbounded.
For my part," he added, "I can get more satisfaction out of slugging a man.
I don't believe in slugging no woman in a houseful of people.
Do field captains who go in for this sluggish style of batting ever think of the wear and tear of a player's physical strength in this slugging business?
He was elevated to the chief magistracy of the state, and the slugging matches continued--mills between brawny but unskilled boxers, who relied upon brute strength, and pounded each other to a pumice to make a hoodlum holiday.
They won't try any more slugging here," said the right guard grimly.
But either some of her men were careless, or they were too eager, for they got off side, and there was some slugging which the alert umpire saw, and as a penalty the ball went to Dick's side.
But Blue Hill was evidently "out for blood," and the slugging went on.
There was a strong breeze blowing aft and the barque was slugging along under all plain sail.
There will be a good bit of the slugging needed, at first, and I guess you can acquire the other things as you go along, can't you?
There's no wholesaleslugging as in the early days, when the football field was more like a prize ring than a gridiron.
There was a lot of slugging and jiu-jitsu work, and more fellows had to be taken out of the game because of injuries than at present.
Ask them then whether slugging or working, playing or praying, be the better spending of our time?
Remember how many are condemning you by their diligence, while you are slugging away your time.
And if you boys stay here and hang together and keep on slugging you can win a lot more.
So I'll have to start slugging with at least one foot in the air.
I'm only waiting till I can put my finger on some slugging to stop the game and hand it to Gridley," retorted the referee, with a snap.
Even if Gridley played a slugging game, it wouldn't bear these Hallam boys down.
Captain Barnes, return to your men and tell them that slugging and tricky work will be watched for more carefully, and penalized as heavily as the rules allow.
Many of these "slugging parties" were attended by Mayor D.
Reed had made his reputation slugging straight balls from heedless pitchers.
At the moment they're slugging it out to see which one gets to levy a head tax on the juke boxes in this section.
Start slugging and they'll dress you in red polka dots.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slugging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.