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Example sentences for "skulks"

Lexicographically close words:
skulk; skulked; skulker; skulkers; skulking; skull; skullcap; skulled; skulls; skunk
  1. There skulks he perdue, crouching under the bed.

  2. There skulks crime Behind law called in to back cowardice!

  3. There 's Some-one at Whitehall Who skulks obscure; but Pym struts .

  4. Unseen amid his dun and gray environment, the ruffed grouse skulks unheard, till he bursts away in thunderous flight.

  5. The woodcock skulks in the bordering alders, and when forced to flight does so with a stronger wing than when a month ago his taking off was first legally authorized.

  6. The meadowlark charms us no more with his long-drawn melody, but with one sharp, insistent note he struts in the meadow stubble or skulks among the tussocks of the pasture and challenges the youthful gunner.

  7. I never knew it to steal anything, and yet it skulks and hides like a fugitive from justice.

  8. It is not a bird that skulks and hides, like the catbird, the brown thrasher, the chat, or the chewink, and its nest is not concealed with the same art as theirs.

  9. He calls the timekeeping brainwork, and says he isn't used to it; and his gate lodge is so splendid that he's ashamed to use the rooms, and skulks in the scullery.

  10. He skulks off through the gate, incidentally stealing the sovereign on his way out by picking up his cap from the drum].

  11. The dog stops barking, gives a whine and skulks to his master's feet, while the trapper becomes suddenly aware of low-crouching forms gliding through the underbrush.

  12. The fact remains that wherever the badger goes gopher-hunting on an unsettled prairie, there the coyote skulks reaping reward of all the badger's work.

  13. Now an' then we gets a squint of the panther as he skulks from one copse to another jest ahead.

  14. She skulks from the camp of Black Cloud an' starts on her journey to be a new wife to a new husband.

  15. Upon the water sedge he finds subsistence; but his natural enemy, the wolverene, skulks in the same neighbourhood.

  16. He is shy and wary, scarce ever comes out of his burrow but at night; and even then skulks so silently along, and watches around him so sharply, that no enemy can approach without his knowing it.

  17. When hiding, he does not seek the depths of the foliage in trees, but skulks among the dead leaves on the ground, or even threads his way thru log heaps.

  18. Like a Thrush, when the mood is on, the Solitaire skulks in the thickets or woodsy depths, and flies at the suggestion of approach.

  19. Young: No black; throat whitish and brown on breast; very stealthy; skulks and crouches in grass.

  20. He feels that he has met more than his match, so he skulks from the field, beaten for the first time by having encountered a heart which all his fiery darts failed to inflame, and dimly foreseeing yet more utter defeat.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skulks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.